Community Policing Programming
Grambling State University Police will play a vital role in the students
learning and living at Grambling State University utilizing the Community
Policing philosophy. The focus of community oriented policing is not simply
on responding to crime, but on preventing crime and resolving community
problems. The philosophy grows from the belief that the police and the community
must work together as partners to solve the contemporary challenges faced
in today’s society. Officers work closely with other organizations
and community groups to educate community members about potential hazards
they may encounter and how to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim
of crime, to identify the problems, concerns and fear of community members,
to identify and eliminate hazards that may promote crime or disorder, and
to improve the overall quality of life in the community.
PSUC - Partnerships for a Safe University Community
- We are committed to developing programs that serve our university community,
to create a greater sense of safety while working, attending school or
visiting here at Grambling. We hope to leave a positive experience of
our Police Department and the University.
- Forming partnerships, collaborative efforts, Playing a role in the educational
process, empowering students to make a difference in their individual
and community safety.
- Getting to know the community that we serve as a whole, prioritizing
efforts, while developing partnerships within the university community.
Programs under the community policing initiative:
- “Common Thread” (Larceny prevention, alcohol consumption,
sexual assault awareness, face book safety)
- Watch that “Tiger”(Pedestrian Safety)
- Safety Seminars
- “Who Knew”(Collaborative effort between Judicial Affairs
and Police)
- 3-2-1 “Contact”(Informative sessions with students)
- University Crime Watch
- All are One(Public Awareness)
- University Community Watch
The police Dept will be conducting the normal Safety presentations as requested:
- Alcohol Awareness
- Active Shooter Training
- General Safety Training
- Bicycle Safety
- Carjacking Prevention
- Date Rape Prevention
- Sexual Assault Prevention
- Domestic/Relationship Violence Prevention
- Face book Safety
- Fire Safety
- ID Theft Prevention
- Cybercrimes
The R.A.D. Program
- A unique self defense system designed for women, ages eleven and up.
- Only Woman’s self defense course endorsed by The International
Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators
- No prior martial arts training is required.
- Each participant is given a RAD manual.
- The basic course consists of nine hours of awareness and physical training.
- At the conclusion of the physical training, students may participate
in dynamic simulations. The simulations will allow students to utilize
the learned techniques.
- With the permission of the class, the simulations will be videotaped.
- Debriefing occurs at the close of the final class with a review of the
- Participation in the simulation is voluntary.