GSU Intramural Center Entrance Header Image

Welcome to 
Grambling State University
Intramural Center !

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Recreation/Intramural Sports is to organize, administer, and promote a broad diversified program of activities and services for students, faculty and staff of Grambling State University. In support of this mission, the department subscribes to the following program goals and objectives.

Our Purpose

Intramural Center Interior Entrance PhotoThe Grambling State University, Recreation/Intramural Sports Department is designed for the purpose of providing the entire college community with the opportunity to participate in a variety of formal and informal activities. These activities encompass team sport, individual and dual sports, special event activities and competitive and noncompetitive activities. In addition to the obvious benefit of physical fitness, it is hoped that participants will also obtain from this program, improved skills, new and lifelong leisure time skills and social and ethical qualities. (Cooperation, trust, regard for others, etc.)

A high level of skill is not a prerequisite to participate in any activity offered by this department. Therefore, all eligible students, staff and faculty members are urged to take part in as many activities as time and interest might permit. It is felt that these objectives are consistent with the Grambling State University Mission.

Our Goals

  • To provide participation in a variety of recreational sports which satisfy the diverse needs of students, faculty, and staff, as well as, where appropriate, guests, alumni and public participants.
  • To coordinate the use of campus sport facilities in cooperation with other user units, such as athletics, physical education, and student union.
  • To provide extracurricular educational opportunities through participation in recreational sports and the provision of relevant leadership positions.
  • To contribute positively to institutional relations through significant and high quality recreational sports programming.
  • To cooperate with academic units, focusing on the development of a recreational sports curricula and accompanying laboratory experiences.

Meet Our Staff

Jamaal Forbes, Acting Director

Jamaal Forbes
Interim Director / 318-274-3751

Korick Wilkerson, Acting Associate Director

Korick Wilkerson
Interim Associate Director / 318- 274- 7283

Terrence Taylor, Special Event/ Weekend Coordinator

Terrence Taylor
Special Event/ Weekend Coordinator  / 318- 274- 6097

Cathedra Akamnonu, Guard

Cathedra Akamnonu
Guard / 318- 274- 3750