TITLE IX - Sexual Misconduct

Together Tigers end Sexual Violence 

File a Report 


Individuals may file a report of sex discrimination, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking (on the basis of sex) or retaliation by completing the following online form:  

Sexual Misconduct Incident Report Form 

Reports may be submitted in person, by phone, in writing, electronically, or anonymously and may be submitted by complainants, third parties or bystanders to the Title IX Coordinator. 


Kennedy Jones, JD, LL.M

Acting/Interim Director, Office for Civil Rights and Title IX

Title IX Coordinator

Office Location:  Brown Hall Room 127

Phone: (318) 274-2660 
Email: jonesken@gram.edu 


If the university is notified of sex discrimination and/or sexual misconduct, we will:

1.     Take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate the report/incident

2.     Take prompt action to end the prohibited conduct and resolve the situation

3.     Take appropriate steps to prevent recurrence of future incidents


See the Sexual Misconduct Policyfor detailed information regarding how the University addresses reports of Sex Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct and the procedures for resolution of alleged violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy.


Confidential Advisors are available to help. Confidential Advisors are designated individuals who have been trained to aid a person involved in a sexual misconduct complaint in the resolution process as a confidential resource.

If the incident or situation is criminal in nature, immediately contact University Police Department or the local police where the incident occurred.  The University Police Department is located at 531 R.W.E. Jones Drive, (318) 274-2222 (24-hour number) or 911 for emergencies.