Human Resources

Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Statement of Policy

Grambling State University (GSU) is committed to its policy to comply with state and federal laws and regulations providing for equal employment opportunity, equal education opportunity and affirmative action without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other non-merit factors. The university is committed to this policy because it is our belief that it is morally right; it is good personnel management, and is legally required.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Grambling State University (GSU) will make all decisions regarding recruitment, hiring, promotion, suspension, termination, layoff, and all other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, disability, or any other non-merit factor.
The university makes reasonable accommodations to the religious observances and national origin practices of an employee or perspective employee. GSU also makes reasonable accommodations to the physical and mental limitations of a disabled veteran or non-veteran employee or applicant unless such accommodations place undue hardship on the successful operations of the university.

All personnel of GSU with responsibility for recruitment, appointment, placement, evaluation, training, or any other aspect of personnel management are charged with the responsibility of seeing that this policy is successfully implemented by giving it full support through active cooperation and personal example. All such persons shall be evaluated on the basis of their equal employment efforts and results in addition to the usual standards of performance. Persons who fail to adhere to the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy are subject to administrative disciplinary actions. The university will periodically analyze its personnel actions to ensure compliance with this policy.

Additional Resources:

Equal Educational Opportunity

Grambling State University (GSU) reaffirms its policy of administering all of its educational programs and services in a manner which does not discriminate because of a student’s or a prospective student’s race, age, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or other factors which cannot lawfully be the basis for provisions of such services.

Diversity Statement

Grambling State University (GSU) reaffirms its policy of administering all of its educational programs and services in a manner which is inclusive and does not discriminate because of differences in socioeconomic status, race, age, color, religion, gender, national origin or disability. GSU is committed to an environment in which every employee and student may work, think, learn, and grow without prejudice, without intimidation, and without discrimination. Respect for all persons is the keystone to enjoying the diversity of our world.

The Annual Security & Fire Safety Report

The Annual Security & Fire Safety Report is the annual report of crime statistics and other campus information that, pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Camus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092 (f))("Clery Act"), must be prepared and distributed to all University employees and students on an annual basis. 

“Clery Act Crimes” means criminal homicide, sex offenses (rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape), aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson and any crimes that may be later added to the Jeanne Cleary Act.

For more information see the full report via the hyperlink below.


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