University Committees

University Campus Safety & Security Committee

Grambling State University Campus Safety & Security Committee is dedicated to help create and promote a safe campus community for a diverse population. The Committee will support and facilitate educational opportunities, training, security, personal safety awareness, health initiatives, environmental repairs, and design means to enhance safety. The committee will act as an advisory group on campus security and oversee aspects of campus safety programs. 

The Campus Safety Committee is charged with:

  • Overseeing the annual review of the university’s general safety manual;
  • Addressing a wide-range of campus safety concerns including responding to inquiries from concerned persons and referring complaints to the appropriate authorities;
  • Recognizing, evaluating, and recommending a course of action to solve or control safety/health problems;
  • Ensuring that education is provided to the campus community about personal safety and crime prevention;
  • Identifying and recommending strategies to the campus for the prevention of sexual harassment and sexual assault;
  • Report to the appropriate manager, any unsafe conditions observed by or reported to membership and monitor the response and abatement, and refer unabated conditions to the next level of management, as necessary;
  • Review all internal safety inspection reports conducted by management, or external reviews conducted by regulatory bodies, and offer suggestions and recommendations relative to the reports' findings and conclusions; and
  • Review investigation reports of accidents and make recommendations relative to accident prevention and hazard abatement.

The committee has diverse representation from the campus leadership including management, represented staff, faculty, designated safety personnel and law enforcement.

Recommended Committee Members (representative from Divisions):

Position/Department Name Committee Role
Chief Operations Officer Penya Moses Chair
Office Manager to COO Tenasia Fields Co-Chair
Compliance Administrator, Tasha Smith Co-Chair
Dir. Safety and Risk Management (Interim) Wayne Bryant Secretary
Safety and Risk Manager Justin Malone Co-Secretary
Presidents Office Adarian Williams  
Interim Dir. Facilities Management Damien Chatman  
Campus Police Rodney Demery  
Campus Police Everette Lewis  
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Taylor Stewart  
Director Student Health Center Patrice Outley  
Director of Campus Living and Housing Carnelia Barfield  
Information Technology Center / CIO TBA  
Counseling Center Dr. Coleen Speed  
Dining Hall/Sodexo TBA  
SGA President Morgan Patton  
Miss Grambling Jess'lyn Sanders  
Director of Human Resource Wayne Bryant  
Faculty Senate Gary Poe  
Student Affairs Crystal McNeal  
Director of Title IX Kennedy Jones  
Other members as appointed    

The Campus Safety Committee will be held regularly at a frequency of no less than twice per semester during the academic year (four times per year). At least one Safety Committee meeting shall be held for the purpose of providing committee members with education/training on issues relevant to their duties.

The duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson include:

  • Presiding at the meetings of the Campus Safety Committee
  • Reviewing and approving the proposed agenda prior to scheduled meetings.
  1. The duties of the Secretary include:
  2. Planning the agenda of the meetings based upon the recommendations of the members.
  3. Recording and preparing the minutes of the Campus Safety Committee.
    Submitting copies of the minutes of the meetings and other pertinent information to the Chief Operations Officer, all members of the Committee and other parties as indicated by the Chief Operations Officer. The minutes are not limited to, but should include the following items:
    • Date and time of the meeting
    • Names of persons attending
    • Names of members absent
    • Corrections to minutes of the last meeting
    • Old business - Review matters carried over from the last or previous meeting
    • New business - Action necessitated by committee reports or other members of the Committee
    • Announcements - Date and time of next meeting
    • Time of adjournment
  4. Making the proper arrangements for the meeting room at the proper time prompted.
  5. Handling any of the correspondence or directives developed by the Campus Safety Committee.

University Policies and Procedures Committee

Grambling State Policies and Procedures Webpage is the official source for policies and procedures, serving as a readily accessible repository for the Grambling community. 

Policy and Procedures are created for institutional governance by establishing standard procedures for the operation of the University. Policy and Procedures, which apply to GSU, serve to implement or interpret various laws, rules, regulations, policies and to reflect the University's chosen method of managing its affairs. Typically, policies and procedures originate with the monitoring unit to address campus-wide policy issues. Policies and procedures are also created to interpret and implement Permanent Memoranda and Bylaws & Regulations of the Board or according to state and federal law requirements.

The policies and procedures described here are not intended and should not be interpreted as a contract between the University and any employee. This information does not constitute a legal document, nor does it constitute an employment contract. It does not confer any legal rights or create any contractual obligations, expressed or implied.

The University takes due care to ensure that policies comply with applicable controlling laws, rules, and regulations when issued. However, it is recognized that changes in such laws, rules, and regulations may result in all or a portion of a Policy becoming null or incorrect until a necessary revision is made. In such cases, those portions of a Policy that are contrary to or in conflict with any controlling law, rule, or regulation are invalid. To that extent, the remainder of the Policy is unaffected by a change in controlling laws, rules, and regulations; that remaining portion of the Policy will remain valid and in effect. Policies are updated regularly, and the University reserves the right to change, modify, or supersede any of these policies and procedures with or without notice at any time. The University is committed to keeping the Policies and Procedures up-to-date. However, because of changing policies, members of the University should consult the online Manual themselves to verify what is current.

Policies Under Review
The University's formal policy consultation and approval process will begin in early September.

The members of the Policy Committee coordinate the policy review and approval process for the University. This includes the following responsibilities:
Solicit recommendations from the University community for policies that may need review or development;

  • Establish priorities among the policies that are recommended for review;
  • Issue a public list of policies that will be reviewed or developed during the academic year;
  • Coordinate the work of the individuals who develop policy drafts;
  • Ensure a broad-based and comprehensive review of the policy drafts.

University Policy Review Committee (UPRC) - The University Policy Review Committee (UPRC) is a standing committee whose members are appointed by the University President. The committee is responsible for reviewing, revising, and drafting new policies, establishing standard policy review processes needed for achieving consistency, and developing a mechanism to ensure university-wide access to policies. The UPRC is composed of faculty, support staff, student senate representative, and administrators for securing broad input. While all suggested revisions and new policy drafts are forwarded to the President's Executive Cabinet for review, final modifications must be approved by the University President.

Department Member/Representative Name
University Compliance: Tasha Smith (Chair)
Budget and Finance: Joy Credit
Controller’s Office: Angela Harris
Enrollment Management: Dr. Gavin Hamms
Faculty: Stacey Duhon
Human Resources: Wayne Bryant
Office of Civil Rights/Title IX: Harry Lamar Anderson
President’s Office: Adarian Williams
Registrar’s Office: TBD
Student-Affairs: Carnelia Barfield
Student Government Association: Morgan Patton 2024-2025
Facilities: Damian Chatman
Institutional Effectiveness: Dr. Shalena Johnson
University Police: Lisa Quillar