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A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
A |
ABC-CLIO eBook Collection (formerly Greenwood Press eBooks) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://ebooks.abc-clio.com - The ABC-CLIO eBook Collection provides modern tools for successful research inquiries using a digital collection with encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and guides. |
Academic Video Online - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/avon/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Academic Video Online makes video material available with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, and more. |
Access World News Research Collection - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/easy-search?p=WORLDNEWS - Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with curricular areas such as Political Science, English, Sociology, Humanities, Business, International Studies and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national, and local news sources. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. |
ACI Structural Journal - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.concrete.org/ - a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development, dissemination, and
adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational & training programs, certification programs, and proven expertise for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design,
construction, and materials, who share a commitment to pursuing the best use of concrete. |
ACM Digital Library - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://portal.acm.org/portal.cfm - research, discovery, and networking platform containing a full-text collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters, and books focused on the field of computing. |
Abstracts in Social Gerontology - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=27h - includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to social gerontology, including the psychology of aging, elder abuse, society and the elderly, and other key areas of relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 110,000 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources. |
Alexander Street - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://alexanderstreet.com - curated, discipline-focused, primary-source collections, websites, and streaming
media for learning and research. We’re passionate about creating landmark online resources
that help scholars and students discover and learn. - Black Drama: Second Edition - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://bld2.alexanderstreet.com - Contains approximately 1200 plays by 200 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs, and other ephemera related to the plays. - Black Short Fiction and Folklore - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://blfi.alexanderstreet.com - The most comprehensive collection yet created of stories from Africa and the African Diaspora, offering short stories and folktales, ranging thematically from oral traditions that date back many hundreds of years to contemporary tales of modern life. - Black Studies in Video - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.alexanderstreet.com/blsv - a signature Alexander Street collection featuring award-winning documentaries, newsreels, interviews, and archival footage surveying the evolution of black culture in the United States. In partnership with California Newsreel, the database provides unique access to their African American Classics collection and includes films covering history, politics, art and culture, family structure, social and economic pressures, and gender relations - Black Thought and Culture - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://bltc.alexanderstreet.com/ - contain 1,303 sources with 1,210 authors, covering the non-fiction published works of leading African Americans. - Black Women Writers - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://blww.alexanderstreet.com - celebrates the many voices of women from Africa and the African Diaspora. Offering fiction, poetry, and essays from three continents, the database gives an unparalleled view of black women's struggles through time. - Nursing Education in Video - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.alexanderstreet.com/mcom - A unique online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. - VAST Academic Video Online - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.alexanderstreet.com/vast - The most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 68,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas, including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. |
Academic Search™ Complete - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=a9h - The essential academic research database for peer-reviewed, full-text journals. |
African American Newspapers, 1827-1998 - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EANX&d_locations=&d_collections=EANAAA - African American Newspapers, Series 1 and 2, 1827-1998, provides online access to more than 350 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African-American experience. This unique collection, which includes historically significant papers from more than 35 states, features many rare 19th-century titles. Newly digitized, these newspapers published by or for African Americans. |
Agricola - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://research.ebsco.com/c/63qoua/search/results?q=Agricola&autocorrect=y&db=agr&expanders=concept&isDashboardExpanded=true&limiters=None&qm=W3sidHlwZSI6InRleHQiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IkFncmljb2xhIn1d&resetPageNumber=true& searchMode=boolean&searchSegment=all-results&skipResultsFetch=true - This database contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library. Coverage for AGRICOLA dates back to 1970 and includes more than 4.8 million citations. The citations are comprised of journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture. |
AHFS Consumer Medication Information - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&&profile=ehost&&defaultdb=l0h - A trusted source and recognized standard for patient drug information, available in both English and Spanish. |
Alt HealthWatch™ - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://research.ebsco.com/c/63qoua/search/results?q=Alt%20HealthWatch&autocorrect=y&db=awh&expanders=concept&isDashboardExpanded=true&limiters=None&qm=W3sidHlwZSI6InRleHQiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IkFsdCBIZWFsdGhXYXRjaCJ9XQ%3D%3D &resetPageNumber=true&searchMode=boolean&searchSegment=all-results&skipResultsFetch=true - A full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers the latest information about the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies. |
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.aapt.org/publications/ - Resources available to help teachers of physics, astronomy, and physical science. |
American Chemical Society - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://pubs.acs.org/ - The most authoritative, comprehensive, and indispensable provider of chemistry-related information. |
America’s Historical Newspapers - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EANX&d_locations=Louisiana - A comprehensive and authoritative leader in digital resources of research in the humanities and social sciences and to dramatically reshape the study and teaching of centuries of history, literature, culture, and daily life. |
American Journal of Botany - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.amjbot.org/ - An internationally renowned journal publishing innovative, significant research of interest to a wide audience of scientists in all areas of plant biology (including ecology, evolution, physiology, biodiversity, systematics, development, genetics, paleo botany, structure, and function), all levels of organization (ecosystem to molecular), and all organisms studied by botanical researchers (including land plants, algae, fungi, lichen, cyanobacteria). |
American Journal of Recreation Therapy - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://ejournal.recreationtherapy.org/ - Provides recreation therapists the very latest research, techniques, and advances in the use of recreational intervention to improve patients’ health and overall quality of life. |
American Journal of Science - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.ajsonline.org/ - Devoted to geology and related sciences and publishes articles from around the world presenting results of major research from all earth sciences. Readers are primarily earth scientists in academia and government institutions. |
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.aaiddjournals.org/ - An essential reference and resource tool for doctoral and master's-level universities, research organizations, teaching hospitals, sciences, and human services libraries, and local, state, and federal agencies interested in understanding causes, prevention and treatment for intellectual disabilities. This is for students, researchers, and allied health professionals in the fields of disabilities, life science biology, neuroscience, and behavioral and health sciences, as they pertain to intellectual and related disabilities. |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org - The premier professional membership organization for more than 130,000 mechanical engineers and associated members worldwide. |
America’s News (Newsbank) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infoweb.newsbank.com - NewsBank consolidates current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles, as well as newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, broadcast transcripts, business journals, periodicals, government documents, and other publications. Using online resources, researchers in libraries around the world can easily explore tens of millions of current and archived news articles and obituaries in order to pinpoint information from primary sources at the local, state, regional, national and international levels. |
America’s News Historical and Current - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/easy-search?p=AMNEWS |
Annals of Mathematics - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://annals.princeton.edu - Online content in JSTOR The Annals of Mathematics is published bimonthly by the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University with the cooperation of the Institute for Advanced Study. |
Applied Mechanics Reviews - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://journals.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org - The premier professional membership organization for more than 130,000 mechanical engineers and associated members worldwide. The ASME Digital Collection is ASME’s repository of current and archival literature |
Art Index Retrospective - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=air - An archive index chronicling over a half a century of art literature. Covering fine, decorative, and commercial art, it indexes hundreds of publications, plus thousands of book reviews, interviews, anthologies, and more. |
Art Full Text 1984-Present - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=aft - A foundational art research database providing full-text art journals and books. It covers fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as photography, film, and architecture. |
Arts & Sciences I Collection (JSTOR®) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstor.org/ |
Arts & Sciences II Collection (JSTOR®) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstor.org/ |
Arts & Sciences III Collection (JSTOR®) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstor.org/ |
Arts & Sciences IV Collection (JSTOR®) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstor.org/ |
Arts & Sciences V Collection (JSTOR®) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstor.org/ |
Arts & Sciences VII (JSTOR®) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstor.org/ |
^ Top ^ |
B |
*Bayou State Periodical Index - http://www.libris.ca/cgi23/_01431.exe - A subject index to articles in nearly ninety Louisiana periodicals published between 1958 and today. The database can be searched by keyword, subject heading, author, or title. |
*Biotext Search Engine - http://biosearch.berkeley.edu - Search over more than 300 Open Access Journals available that provides biologists with access the scientific literature |
Black Studies Center (1900 – current) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/bsc/history/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Black Studies Center consists of scholarly journals, commissioned overview essays by top scholars in Black Studies, historic indexes, and the full-text of The Chicago Defender newspaper from 1910-1975. |
Bloom’s Literature - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://online.infobaselearning.com/Direct.aspx?aid=19905&pid=WE54 - contains a wide range of reference essays and scholarly criticism examining great authors |
Bloomberg Businessweek Archive - https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&custid=s8429566&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bwa&groupid=main - the world’s only complete digital version of the Businessweek backfile. With coverage starting at the magazine’s first issue in 1929, the archive contains more than 65 years' worth of content |
British Journal of Political Science - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.journals.cambridge.org - In line with the commitment of Cambridge University Press to advance learning, knowledge and research around the world, we currently publish more than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals and more than 33,000 eBooks for the global market. |
Biography In Context - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/lln_agsu?db=BIC1 - Opposing Viewpoints Database designed to support science, social studies, current events, and language arts presents each side of important issues and empowers learners to develop information literacy and critical thinking skills. |
Biological Abstracts® 1969–Present - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://web.s.ebscohost.com/ehost/search/advanced?vid=1&sid=516e2316-78fa-4548-a958-9d7d7cb1af0d%40redis - A complete collection of bibliographic references covering life science and biomedical research literature published from more than 4,000 journals internationally. This database contains over 14 million archival records from as far back as 1926, with more than 370,000 citations added each year. |
Black Life in America, 1704 – 1975 – https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/?p=AAHX |
Book Collection: Nonfiction™ - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://research.ebsco.com/c/63qoua/search/results?q=Book%20Collection&autocorrect=y&db=ndh&expanders=concept&isDashboardExpanded=true&limiters=None&resetPageNumber=true&searchMode=boolean&searchSegment=all-results - A rich database of abstracts and searchable full text for thousands of popular nonfiction books. Designed for schools and public libraries, it includes titles on careers, health, sports, adventure, technology, life skills and more. |
Business Source® Complete - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://research.ebsco.com/c/63qoua/search/results?q=%22Business%20Source%20Complete%22&autocorrect=y&db=bth&expanders=concept&isDashboardExpanded=true&limiters=None &qm=W3sidHlwZSI6InRleHQiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IlwiQnVzaW5lc3MgU291cmNlIENvbXBsZXRlXCIifV0%3D&resetPageNumber=true&searchMode=boolean&searchSegment=all-results&skipResultsFetch=true - World's largest comprehensive full-text scholarly business database. Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals. |
^ Top ^ |
C |
Chaucer Review - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/ - Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide. Forged from a partnership between a university press and a library, Project MUSE is a trusted part of the academic and scholarly community it serves. |
CINAHL® Plus with Full Text (EBSCO) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://research.ebsco.com/c/63qoua/search/results?q=%22CINAHL%20Plus%20with%20Full%20Text%22&autocorrect=y&db=rzh&expanders=concept&isDashboardExpanded=true&limiters=None &qm=W3sidHlwZSI6InRleHQiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IlwiQ0lOQUhMIFBsdXMgd2l0aCBGdWxsIFRleHRcIiJ9XQ%3D%3D&resetPageNumber=true&searchMode=boolean&searchSegment=all-results&skipResultsFetch=true |
Clarivate: Web of Science - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.webofscience.com - Web of Science is the world’s most trusted publisher-independent global citation database, home to an unrivalled breadth of world-class research literature linked to a rigorously selected core of journals. It enables the global research community to track ideas across disciplines and time from almost 1.9 billion cited references from over 171 million records. |
Clavier Companion - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.claviercompanion.com/ - The Piano Magazine is the only publication devoted exclusively to piano teaching, learning and performing. |
Cochrane Library - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.thecochranelibrary.com - The Cochrane Library (ISSN 1465-1858) is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. |
College Source Online - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.collegesource.org - is a database of 139,409 digital college catalogs, institution profiles, transcript keys, and other critical resources. |
Computer - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl - The IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) provides online access to 33 society magazines and transactions and more than 9,000 conference publications. |
Computer Source™ (EBSCO) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://research.ebsco.com/c/63qoua/search/results?q=%22computer%20source%22&autocorrect=y&db=cph&expanders=concept&isDashboardExpanded=true&limiters=None&qm=W3sidHlwZSI6InRleHQiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IlwiY29tcHV0ZXIgc291cmNlXCIifV0%3D &resetPageNumber=true&searchMode=boolean&searchSegment=all-results&skipResultsFetch=true |
Copeia - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://meridian.allenpress.com/copeia - international journal dedicated to the publication of high quality, original research papers on the behavior, conservation, ecology, genetics, morphology, evolution, physiology, systematics and taxonomy of extant and extinct fishes, amphibians, and reptiles. |
*Coronavirus Research Database - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/coronavirus/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - A free health and medical research database for openly available content related to the COVID-19 outbreak. |
CQ Researcher Online (Sage) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher |
Credo Reference - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/ - a library database that contains full-text dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference books that can be searched using key words. Use this database to find definitions, overview articles on a topic, or even pronunciation of medical terms, contains photographs, maps, manuscript materials, books, oral histories, and more that document history and culture. |
Criminology Collection (1975 – current) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/criminology/socialsciences/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Index and full-text databases covering criminology, criminal justice, and security. |
Criminal Justice Database (1981 – current) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/criminaljusticeperiodicals/socialsciences/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields. |
^ Top ^ |
D |
Digital Sanborn® Maps of Louisiana (ProQuest) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://sanborn.umi.com/ |
*Directory of Open Access Journals - http://www.doaj.org - The independent database contains 12,000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities. |
Dissertations & Thesis A&I - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/pqdt |
Diverse: Issues in Higher Education - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.diverseeducation.com - Black Issues In Higher Education (which is now Diverse) has been America’s premier source of news on the spectrum of diversity in the academy. It seeks to be a catalyst for change, and our ultimate objective is to contribute to the building of educational, cultural, social and economic structures that will allow every individual to achieve his or her full human potential and contribute to the greater good of the community and the nation. |
^ Top ^ |
E |
Early English Books Online - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/eebo/literature/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Early English Books Online (EEBO) features page images of almost every work printed in the British Isles and North America as well as works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700. Over 200 libraries worldwide have contributed to EEBO. |
Early Modern Books - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/emb/literature/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Early Modern Books provides an integrated search experience across both Early English Books Online and Early European Books for the period 1450 to 1700. |
Ebook Central - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/ebookcentral1/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Multidisciplinary - e-books. |
Ebsco ejournals - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=eds&db=edspub&plp=1 - Find resources on any subject available from the library's electronic journal collection |
EBSCOhost Discovery Service - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? authtype=ip,uid&profile=eds&custid=s8429566 - Find resources on any subject available from the library's book collection |
EBSCOhost E-books - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nlebk - Find resources on any subject available from the library's electronic book collection |
EBSCOhost Enhanced Journal Service (GSU) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=eds&db=edspub&plp=1 - Find resources on any subject available from the library's journal collection |
EBSCOhost Enhanced Journal Service (GSU) A-Z Journal Service by Titles, Subjects, etc. - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=eds&db=edspub&plp=1 - Find resources on any subject available from the library's electronic journal collection |
EBSCOhost - ALL DATABASES - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx - Find resources on any subject available from the library's collection |
EBSCO PrepSTEP (formerly Learning Express) - http://www.prepstep.com/?AuthToken=4963B147-151C-461D-81DE-BD100EAFD507 - Find tests, tutorials, ebooks, etc. |
EBSCO Select Database Page (interface to search across all EBSCO databases) (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.asp?profile=web |
Educational Administration Abstracts (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=20h |
EM Consulte - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.em-consulte.com - The EMC is available in 45 collections of medical, surgical and paramedical specialties. A real training tool for both the internal and the experienced specialist, the EMC is also particularly adapted to the daily practice of the doctor and the health professional. |
Encyclopedia Britannica - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://academic.eb.com/levels/collegiate |
ERIC® (EBSCO) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://research.ebsco.com/c/63qoua/search/results?q=eric&autocorrect=y&db=eric&expanders=concept&isDashboardExpanded=true&limiters=None&qm=W3sidHlwZSI6InRleHQiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImVyaWMifV0%3D&resetPageNumber=true &searchMode=boolean&searchSegment=all-results&skipResultsFetch=true |
European Views of the Americas:1493-1750 (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=hev |
^ Top ^ |
F |
Facts on File African American History Online (African-American History Online) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://online.infobaselearning.com/Direct.aspx?aid=19905&pid=WE01 - (African-American History Online) Information database on the history of African Americans in America |
Facts on File Writer's Reference Center (Writer's Reference Center) - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://online.infobaselearning.com/Direct.aspx?aid=19905&pid=WE03 - Information on fundamentals of quality writing |
Family Studies Abstracts (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=26h |
Films On Demand: Archival Films & Newsreels Collection - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlayLists.aspx?wid=19905&level=Subject&sid=1307 |
Films On Demand: Master Academic Package - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlayLists.aspx?wid=19905 |
Films On Demand: Master Career & Tech Ed Package - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlayLists.aspx?wid=19905 |
French Business Source (Vente et Gestion®) (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=frh |
Fuente Academica - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=zbh |
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=funk |
^ Top ^ |
G |
Gale Virtual Reference Library - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/lln_agsu?db=GVRL - Virtual reference library on any subject. |
Genes & Genetic Systems - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ - J-STAGE is an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan, developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). J-STAGE aims to accelerate the speed of communication and ensure the internationalization of the science and technology information published in Japan. |
GeoRef (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=geh |
GeoRef in Process (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=guh |
GreenFILE™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=8gh |
Grove Music Online - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/ - The authoritative resource for music research with over 52,000 articles written by nearly 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history, theory and cultures of music around the globe. |
GSU Home Page - https://www.gram.edu - Grambling State University’s homepage |
GSU Interlibrary Loan - https://louis.hosts.atlas-sys.com/illiad/lgs/logon.html - Secure access to interlibrary loan service. |
GSU Library Catalog - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://grambling.louislibraries.org/uhtbin/webcat - Provides access to GSU’s online catalog. |
^ Top ^ |
H |
Health Education Research - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.oup.co.uk - Currently publishes more than 6,000 titles a year worldwide, in a variety of formats. Our range includes dictionaries, English language teaching materials, children's books, journals, scholarly monographs, printed music, higher education textbooks, and schoolbooks. |
Health Source®: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=hch |
Hispanic Life in America, 1704 – 1942 – https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/easy-search?p=HLIAX |
History Reference Center® (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=khh |
Hospitality & Tourism Index™ (HTI) (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=hoh |
Human Resources Abstracts (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=22h |
^ Top ^ |
I |
IEEE Xplore Digital Library - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp - The IEEE eLearning Library offers high-quality, peer-reviewed online materials in several topics such as Aerospace; Bioengineering; Career Development; Communication, Networking, and Broadcasting; Components, Circuits & Devices, and Systems; Computing; Emerging Technologies; Fields, Waves, and Electromagnetics; IEEE Standards; Photonics and Electro-Optics; Power and Energy; Robotics; Signal Processing and Analysis; Telecommunications; and Transportation |
Information Science & Technology Abstracts™ (ISTA)(EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=izh |
^ Top ^ |
J |
JBC THEMATIC MINIREVIEW SERIES - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jbc.org - The Journal of Biological Chemistry publishes high-quality science that seeks to elucidate the molecular and cellular basis of biological processes. Papers published in JBC can therefore fall under the umbrellas of not only biological chemistry, chemical biology, or biochemistry, but also allied disciplines such as biophysics, systems biology, RNA biology, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, epigenetics, computational biology, ’omics, and many more. |
JEA Annual Report - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jea.org - The Journalism Education Association supports free and responsible scholastic journalism by providing resources and educational opportunities, by promoting professionalism, by encouraging and rewarding student excellence and teacher achievement, and by fostering an atmosphere which encompasses diversity yet builds unity. |
Journal of Anthropological Research - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/jar/current - The Journal of Anthropological Research publishes diverse, high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on anthropological research of substance and broad significance, as well as about 100 timely book reviews annually. The journal reaches out to anthropologists of all specialties and theoretical perspectives both in the United States and around the world, with special emphasis given to the detailed presentation and rigorous analysis of field research. |
Journal of Blacks in Higher Education - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jbhe.com/ - Dedicated to conscientious investigation of the status and prospects for African Americans in higher education. |
Journal of Cell Science - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.biologists.com - We are run by distinguished practising scientists. We exist to profit science, not shareholders. We inspire new thinking and support the community of biologists. |
Journal of Gerontological Nursing - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.healio.com/journals - The Journal of Gerontological Nursing is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal publishing clinically relevant original articles on the practice of gerontological nursing across the continuum of care in a variety of health care settings, for more than 40 years. |
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://jpet.aspetjournals.org - A leading research journal in the field of pharmacology, JPET provides broad coverage of all aspects of the interactions of chemicals with biological systems, including autonomic, behavioral, cardiovascular, cellular, clinical, developmental, gastrointestinal, immuno-, neuro-, pulmonary, and renal pharmacology, as well as analgesics, drug abuse, metabolism and disposition, chemotherapy, and toxicology. |
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.humankinetics.com/journals - Human Kinetics' mission is to increase the knowledge, enhance the performance, and improve the health and fitness of all people around the globe by developing and delivering authoritative information about physical activity and sport |
Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.minervamedica.it/ - Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A. publishes some forty scientific journals which are indexed by the most important international bibliographic databases. Many of them are the official organs of important Italian and foreign medical societies. The Minerva Medica catalogue lists over 1,500 scientific titles which target medical students, physicians and nurses and they represent a benchmark in scientific literature for all medical and surgical specialties. |
*Journalism and Mass Communication Abstracts - http://aejmc.org/index.php - The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) is a nonprofit, educational association of journalism and mass communication educators, students and media professionals. The Association’s mission is to promote the highest possible standards for journalism and mass communication education, to cultivate the widest possible range of communication research, to encourage the implementation of a multi-cultural society in the classroom and curriculum, and to defend and maintain freedom of communication in an effort to achieve better professional practice and a better informed public. |
Journals Consult - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.journalsconsult.com - online access to more than 900 high-impact, peer-reviewed journals from |
JSTOR - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.jstor.org - Access to journals, books, etc. |
^ Top ^ |
L |
Legal Collection™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=lgh |
LexisNexis Academic (LexisNexis) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.nexisuni.com |
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts™ with Full Text (LISTA) (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=lih |
Linux Journal - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.linuxjournal.com/ - Linux Journal is the original magazine of the global Open Source community. |
Literary Reference Center Plus - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://web.p.ebscohost.com/lrc/search/advanced?vid=0&sid=1b771aa6-3e0f-4719-adef-f25c33fc709f%40redis - It is a part of EBSCOhost Research Databases. |
Literature Resource Center (Gale Cengage) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/lln_agsu?db=LitRC |
Literati by Credo (Credo Reference) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://literati.credoreference.com/ |
Louisiana Library Network (LOUIS) Resources |
^ Top ^ |
M |
Magazine Articles Summaries Ultra™ – School Edition(EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=ulh |
Mango Languages - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://connect.mangolanguages.com/gram/start - Offers conversation-based language courses for organizations looking to promote language learning. |
Mathematics Teaching - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.atm.org.uk/ - A group of journals and books dedicated to the teaching and learning of mathematics. |
MathSciNet (American Mathematical Society) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.ams.org/mathscinet |
MedicLatina (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=lth |
MEDLINE® (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=cmedm |
Mental Measurements Yearbook™ (MMY) (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=loh |
Micromedex - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.micromedexsolutions.com/ - Evidence based clinical resources to support informed diagnosis and treatment decisions. Unbiased, referenced Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for medication, toxicology, disease, and alternative medicine. Safely and reliably manage drug therapy for pediatric and neonatal patients with NeoFax and Pediatrics evidence-based drug information. RED BOOK for drug pricing, drug data, and manufacturer information |
Military & Government Collection (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=mth |
MLA Directory of Periodicals (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=kah |
MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=mzh |
Music Online: Listening - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.alexanderstreet.com/music-performing-arts - Music & Performing Arts combines audio and video that spans all time periods, hundreds of thousands of seminal artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles to provide an unparalleled learning environment for the teaching of music. |
^ Top ^ |
N |
National Association of Secondary School Principals - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.nassp.org/ - Comprehensive publications and email newsletters that deliver the latest research, ideas, and best practices on issues such as the Common Core and teacher evaluations. |
National Criminal Justice Reference Services (NCJRS) Abstracts Database (1975 – current) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/ncjrs/socialsciences/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - The NCJRS: National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database is published by the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice's National Criminal Justice Reference Service, an information clearinghouse for people around the U.S. and the world involved with research, policy, and practice related to criminal and juvenile justice, and drug control. The NCJRS Abstracts Database contains summaries of over 200,000 U.S. and international publications, including federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, audiovisual presentations, and unpublished research. The NCJRS Abstracts Database excludes most legal decisions, opinions, and statutes. The collection has been developed to meet the needs of criminal justice professionals, researchers, policymakers, and technical and legal experts. Unique elements of the collection include agency produced documents and final grant reports of Office of Justice Programs sponsored research. Documents are either written in English or have an English-language summary. |
National Science Teachers Association - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.nsta.org/types/journals - A joint publication for STEM educators from NSTA and the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), Connected Science Learning showcases highly effective programs, practices, collaborations, and research taking place between the formal and informal science learning communities |
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://content.nejm.org/ - the New England Journal of Medicine has rigorously vetted and compiled the latest medical research in support of physicians and their patients. From the first uses of anesthesia to the most recent cardiology and cancer treatments, the New England Journal of Medicine has helped generations of clinicians enhance their knowledge and improve patient care. |
NewsBank - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infoweb.newsbank.com - With unmatched U.S. news content from local, regional, and national sources, this resource is the largest of its kind. Its diverse source types include printed and online newspapers, blogs, journals, newswires, broadcast transcripts and videos. Explore a specific issue or event through the detailed coverage provided by local reporting or compare a wide variety of viewpoints from across the country on topics such as politics, business, health, sports, cultural activities and people. |
Newspaper Source™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=nfh |
Newswires (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nsm |
Nursing & Allied Health Premium - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/nahp/health/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Nursing & Allied Health Premium is a user-friendly multiformat database for nursing research, clinical skills development, and curriculum support. |
Nursing & Allied Health Source™ (ProQuest) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/nursing |
Nursing Reference Center Plus - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://web-p-ebscohost-com.grambling.idm.oclc.org/web/nup/home/index/all |
^ Top ^ |
O |
Ovid Nursing Databases - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://lwwhealthlibrary.com/ |
Ovid Nursing Journals - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://ovidsp.ovid.com/autologin.html - A collection of nursing and medical journals and resources. These can also be searched in EBSCOhost Electronic Journal Service (GSU). |
Oxford Reference Online - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.oxfordreference.com - Discover the best of Oxford University Press's reference titles on a dynamic digital platform |
Oxford English Dictionary - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.oed.com - The definitive record of the English language. |
Oxford Scholarship Online - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.oxfordscholarship.com - Oxford Scholarship Online offers access to thousands of academic works from the celebrated scholarly list of Oxford University Press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law. |
^ Top ^ |
P |
Pacific Journal of Mathematics - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://msp.berkeley.edu/pjm - PJM has published mathematics research for more than 60 years. PJM is run by mathematicians from the Pacific Rim. PJM aims to publish high-quality articles in all branches of mathematics. |
Peace Research Abstracts Journal (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=24h |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://pubs.rsc.org - High quality research in physical chemistry, chemical physics and biophysical chemistry. |
Plant Science Bulletin - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://botany.org/PlantScienceBulletin/ - An informal communication published three times a year, with information on upcoming meetings, courses, field trips, news of colleagues, new books, and professional opportunities. It provides a means of advertising items or materials wanted. It also serves as a forum for circulating BSA committee reports, for distributing innovative teaching approaches and methods, and for discussing issues of concern to Society members such as environmental policy and educational funding. |
PrepSTEP (EBSCO, formerly Learning Express ) - http://www.prepstep.com/?AuthToken=4963B147-151C-461D-81DE-BD100EAFD507 - Find tests, tutorials, ebooks, etc. |
Primary Search® (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=prh |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.pnas.org - PNAS publishes research reports, Letters, Front Matter magazine content, Commentaries, Perspectives, and Colloquium Papers. PNAS is a general science journal and all papers should be intelligible to a broad scientific audience. |
Professional Development Collection™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=tfh |
*Project Gutenberg - https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/ - An online book catalog. |
Project Muse - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://muse.jhu.edu - Project MUSE is your trusted source for the highest quality books and journals in the humanities and social sciences from over 200 of the world’s most distinguished university presses and scholarly societies. |
ProQuest Criminal Justice Periodicals, Dissertations & Theses, Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source, ProQuest Research Library - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/index - You can search 8 databases containing scholarly journals, books, videos & audio, dissertations & theses, newspapers and more. Ancestry Library Edition - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://ancestrylibrary.proquest.com -Start searching billions of records and discover your family's story. Black Studies Center - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://bsc.chadwyck.com - Black Studies Center brings together essential historical and current material for researching the past, present and future of African Americans, the wider African Diaspora, and Africa itself. It is comprised of several cross-searchable, component databases eBrary - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/bsc - An online digital library of full texts of over 100,000 scholarly e-books. |
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/pqdt1/dissertations/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Multidisciplinary – dissertations. |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender (1909 – 1975) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/hnpchicagodefender/news/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Historical news - newspaper articles. |
Psychoanalytic Review - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://guilfordjournals.com/ - Database of print books and e-books plus other resources in psychology and psychiatry, mental health, self-help, education, research methods, and many other disciplines. |
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=pbh |
PsycINFO - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=psyh |
Public Administration Abstracts (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=21h |
*Publicly Available Content Database - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/publiccontent/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available content from a number of different sources from around the world. |
^ Top ^ |
R |
Race Relations Abstracts (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=25h |
Referencia Latina (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=zah |
Regional Business News™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=bwh |
Religion & Philosophy Collection™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=rlh |
Research Library - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/pqrl/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - Multidisciplinary subject coverage from scholarly, trade, and consumer publications. |
^ Top ^ |
S |
Sagamore Journals - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://js.sagamorepub.com/ - Sagamore publishes eight journals, and one JNEL Special Issue, in the disciplines of health, recreation, facility management, parks administration, leisure, education, learning disabilities and more. |
Sage Publications - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://online.sagepub.com - We are the natural home for leading authors, editors and societies. Publishing more than 1,000 journals, from a wide range of disciplines, SAGE is here to meet your needs. |
Science & Technology Collection™(EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=syh |
Science Direct - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.sciencedirect.com - Leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. To connect the dots and see the big picture, researchers require access to reliable interdisciplinary research and fundamental information. With an intuitive, comprehensive platform featuring smart tools, deep insights on topics, and access to high-impact and topical eBooks, ScienceDirect helps researchers gain knowledge, generate more ideas and answer their most pressing questions in less time. This is library's gateway to Elsevier's College Editions Collection. |
SciFinder Scholar - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://scifinder.cas.org - SciFinder® is your portal to chemistry and related information providing easy access
to the most trusted collection of chemical substances, reactions and literature references
in the world curated by expert scientists, not robots. Leading pharmaceutical and
chemical corporations as well as top academic institutions and government labs rely
on SciFinder to keep up to date on and leverage the latest advances in science. Grambling State University Registration - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://scifinder.cas.org/registration/index.html?corpKey=8119CA7F-86F3-5055-1E4A-A8C4BBB48774 |
Scribner Writers Series (Gale Cengage) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/lln_agsu?db=G-Scrib |
Shock & Vibration Digest (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=29h |
SocINDEX™ with Full Text (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=sih |
Springer Journals and eBooks - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://link.springer.com - Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings. This is the library’s gateway to the Springer Journal and eBook collection. (Be sure to uncheck “include preview-only content” to view GSU subscriptions.) |
Springshare - - LibAnswers - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://gram.libanswers.com - provides complete email ticketing functionality, fully integrated with the rest of the communication channels. Answer emailed tickets from one central dashboard, collaborate with colleagues on ticket answers, use different queues for various library departments, build and maintain a knowledge base and FAQs... it's all here. - LibCal - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://gram.libcal.com - an affordable, easy-to-use web platform designed to handle libraries' calendaring needs. Its four distinct modules work together to provide an integrated solution. Hours and Locations Management; Room and Equipment Reservations; Event Registration and Management; and Librarian Appointment Scheduler. - LibGuides - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://gram.libguides.com - an easy-to-use content management system deployed at thousands of libraries worldwide. Librarians use it to curate knowledge and share information, organize class and subject specific resources, and to create and manage websites. |
State Library of Louisiana “Library Connection” Databases - http://lalibcon.state.lib.la.us/ - The Louisiana Library Connection databases are a collection of online subscription
databases that are provided to the people of Louisiana by the State Library. The databases are
chosen to cover the widest range of informational needs, providing educational and
research materials for the elementary, high school and college student well into the
undergraduate and graduate levels. The databases also include many prestigious academic
journals for the research professional. Crucial and strategic information is likewise
included for the small business owner and the consumer. The vast majority of these
databases are available for remote use; that is, the user can login in from anywhere.
These databases are provided free of charge to all library users in the state of Louisiana;
all that is required for access is a public library card. **NOTE** You must be a registered patron of a parish library in Louisiana and have a library card number from there to use these databases. |
^ Top ^ |
T |
Taylor and Francis Online - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.tandfonline.com - Taylor & Francis publish high quality, rigorously peer-reviewed open access (OA) research across all disciplines. |
Teacher Reference Center (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=trh |
The Baton Rouge Advocate Collection– http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/browse-multi?p=WORLDNEWS&t=favorite%3ATBRA%21The+Baton+Rouge+Advocate+Collection |
The Serials Directory™ (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=ser |
Times Picayune Historical and Current Collection – http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/browse-multi?p=WORLDNEWS&t=favorite%3ATPHC%21Times-Picayune+Historical+and+Current+Collection |
Truven Micromedex Healthcare Series - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.micromedexsolutions.com/home/dispatch - Provides information related to medication, disease, and toxicology management; facility-wide formulary management; patient care notes; medication essential fact sheet; and a role-based solution for Pharmaceutical professionals. |
Twayne Author Series (Gale Cengage) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/lln_agsu?db=G-Twayne |
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U |
UpToDate - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search - Industry-leading clinical decision support for healthcare professionals. UpToDate delivers clear, actionable insights and recommendations, powered by a global network of world-renowned physician authors and editorial team who are committed to getting it right. |
Urban Studies Abstracts (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=23h |
U.S. South Central Newsstream - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/southcentralnews/news/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=11178 - U.S. South Central Newsstream enables users to search the most recent regional news content, as well as archives which stretch back to the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. |
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V |
Violence & Abuse Abstracts (EBSCO) - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=28h |
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W |
WhatIsMyIP - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://whatismyip.com - WhatIsMyIP.com® is the industry leader in providing REAL IP address information. We provide IP address tools that allow users to perform an Internet Speed Test, IP address lookup, proxy detection, IP Whois Lookup, and more. We have extensive tutorials that show users how to trace an email address, how to change IP addresses, and how to hide their IP information. Knowing your IP address is crucial for online gaming, tech support, using remote desktop connections, connecting to a security camera DVR, anonymity or even running an email server. |
Wiley-Blackwell Online Books - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/browse/?type=BOOK - The library has a collection of e-books in physics and astronomy. |
Wiley Online - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
Worldcat.org - https://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://worldcat.org - WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their resources on the Web, where most people start their search for information. You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos—all of the physical items you're used to getting from libraries. You can also discover many new kinds of digital content, such as downloadable audiobooks. You may also find article citations with links to their full text; authoritative research materials, such as documents and photos of local or historic significance; and digital versions of rare items that aren't available to the public. Because WorldCat libraries serve diverse communities in dozens of countries, resources are available in many languages. |
WorldCat’s First Search - http://grambling.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://gramblingstateuniversity.on.worldcat.org |
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