Mary Watson Hymon Afro-American Center

  • Shannon Davis
    Library Specialist 2
    Phone: 318-274-3159

This special collection of books and materials uniquely represents studies in Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Literature, Art, History, and Music that are characteristic of Black culture. These resources are designed and organized to support course offerings relating to people in America of African and Caribbean ancestry. It also exposes students to resources by and about Black Americans and their heritage.

Some titles are more in demand than others. To ensure timely access, a copy of each title is shelved in a Restricted Collection. Restricted books may be requested at the Service Desk. Restricted copies do not circulate and must be used in the Afro-American Center.

A related reference collection and bound periodicals are also maintained in the Service Desk Area on open shelves. All restricted books, magazines, and journals must be used in the area. A photocopy machine is available and copies are $0.25 per page.