Active Learning and It's Benefits


Considerable attention and thought has been given to the actual learning environment during the development of the QEP. It is imperative that GSU’s learning space is conducive for new techniques and strategies designed for optimal student learning. Currently in Brown Hall, where University College is housed, the classrooms and furnishings are dated, while sufficient; prohibit creative exploration. Therefore, to ensure effective implementation of the QEP and its’ impact on student learning and success, the university will renovate this space to provide active learning environments with appropriate technology. Research indicates the active-learning classroom environment can significantly impact student engagement and may improve retention and recruitment rates.

Active learning is a form of learning in which teaching strives to involve students in the learning process more directly than in other methods.

Bonwell and Eison (1991) state "that in active learning, students participate in the process and students participate when they are doing something besides passively listening." (Weltman, p. 7) Active learning is "a method of learning in which students are actively or experientially involved in the learning process and where there are different levels of active learning, depending on student involvement. (Bonwell & Eison 1991). In the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) report the authors discuss a variety of methodologies for promoting "active learning". They cite literature that indicates that to learn, students must do more than just listen: They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems. It relates to the three learning domains referred to as knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA), and that this taxonomy of learning behaviors can be thought of as "the goals of the learning process".[1] In particular, students must engage in such higher-order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.[2] Active learning engages students in two aspects – doing things and thinking about the things they are doing.