Proposed project and/or budget changes must be submitted in writing to your ED Program
Officer. The proposal should include the following documents:
- Cover Letter providing overview of proposed changes and why they are necessary to
the success of the project
- Revised Activity Narrative (if applicable)
- Revised Budget Summary (if applicable)
- Revised Individual Activity Budget Form (if applicable)
- Revised Activity Objectives and Anticipated Results (if applicable)
- Revised Implementation Strategy/Timetable Form (if applicable)
- Curriculum Vitae or Resume of New Project Director and/or Activity Director (if applicable)
Upon receipt of the written request, the program staff may contact grantees directly
for clarification or additional information as needed.
All submitted requests for programmatic and/or budget changes are evaluated on a case-by-case
basis. The decision to approve or disapprove a request is based on requirements imposed
by applicable Federal statutes, including the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA),
program legislation and regulations, EDGAR, and OMB circulars. All resulting costs
and activities related to approved changes must be allowable. No official may authorize
any administrative actions that conflict with any applicable Federal statute, program
legislation or regulation, EDGAR, grant conditions; or permit changes that would alter
the scope or objectives of a competitive discretionary grant.