Faculty Leave: Faculty leave is leave granted to faculty members employed on the nine-month (academic year) basis in lieu of annual leave and is comprised of the days between terms and at holiday periods when students are not in classes.
Annual Leave: Annual leave is leave with pay granted to unclassified and classified 12-month employees (as well as 10 month employees in Housing and Food Service) for the purpose of rehabilitation, restoration, maintenance of work efficiency, or attention to other personal concerns.
Sick Leave: Sick leave is leave with pay granted to all employees on a regular tour of duty who are suffering with a disability which prevents them from performing their usual duties and responsibilities and who require medical, dental, or optical consultation or treatment.
Unclassified Compensatory Leave: Compensatory leave is leave earned and used by unclassified employees (12 month) for work and duties performed in excess of the normal 40 hour work week. Compensatory leave shall not be earned for work done at home and for the following employees: presidents, vice presidents, deans, athletic coaches, and athletic directors. Compensatory leave earned shall not be credited to an unclassified employee on a timesheet without an approved Request to Earn Compensatory Leave by Unclassified Employees form.
Workweek: For payroll record-keeping purposes, the workweek at the University begins at 12:00a.m. on Saturday and ends at 11:59 on Friday. The workweek is defined as being 40 hours.
Each eligible employee who has a regular tour of duty shall earn sick leave. Non-faculty (unclassified and classified employees) on a regular tour of duty shall earn annual leave. Personnel not employed on a continuing basis are considered temporary and shall not earn sick or annual leave.
Sick and Annual leave earned shall be based on the equivalent of years of full-time state service and shall be creditable at the end of each respective pay period in accordance with the following general schedule of earning rates:
Classified Civil Service Accrual |
Years of Service | Per Hour | Per Pay Period | Approximate Days Per Year |
Less than three | .0461 | 3.6880 | 12 |
Three but less than five | .0576 | 4.6080 | 15 |
Five but less than 10 | .0692 | 5.5360 | 18 |
10 but less than 15 | .0807 | 6.4560 | 21 |
15 or more | .0923 | 7.3840 | 24 |
Faculty/UnclassifiedAccrual |
Years of Service | Hours Earned Per Month | ||
Less than three | 8 | ||
Three but less than five | 10 | ||
Five but less than 10 | 12 | ||
10 but less than 15 | 14 | ||
15 or more | 16 |
No eligible employee shall be credited with sick or annual leave for any calendar month under any of the following circumstances: (1) until completion of the respective pay period as an employee (bi-weekly for classified and monthly for faculty/unclassified); or (2) during which the employee was on leave without pay; or (3) while serving in the military.
Accrued unused sick and annual leave earned by an employee shall be carried forward to the succeeding years without limitation.
When an employee changes position from one state agency to another, the employee’s accumulated sick and annual leave shall be forwarded to the new agency and shall be credited to the employee.
Designated holidays by the University President – when announced and observed - shall not be charged to accrued annual leave.