32nd Annual NAAAS & Affiliates National Conference FlyerWelcome to the Faculty Senate Webpage! 

Welcome! This webpage is designed to promote broader and more active engagement in faculty senate activities by providing access to information related to current and past meetings. It is our hope that this information will build and improve the relationships between faculty, students, and administration.


Sharing is Caring!


What is the Faculty Senate?

The Faculty Senate is an advisory body to the faculty and the administration. It is the organizational unit through which the faculty makes its major contribution to the governance of the University. The quality of academic and student life, academic standards, and financial resources are representative of the broad range of topics that the Senate may consider.  It is primarily concerned with faculty welfare and seeks through its deliberations, reports, and recommendations to enhance the work and working conditions for the faculty. The Senate acts as the liaison between the faculty and the administration and seeks to foster cooperation between the various units of the University. It conducts studies recommended by the faculty, sponsors programs, and supports activities that are of interest to the faculty. In all of its work, the Senate strives to contribute to the achievement of the University’s mission.


How Can I Be Involved?

Notify your Department Chair that you are interested in being elected to the Senate to represent your Department. Elections for the faculty Senate are held in March.