Local Clubs
Psi-Chi Honor Society. This organization on open to majors that meet the GPA requirements. It exposes students to psychology work settings, professionals and graduate school programs. It has been very successful in preparing students for graduate school and careers and continues to have that priority as its mission. Dr. Jon Tall is the faculty advisor.
The Sociology and Psychology Majors Club. This club is open to majors for the purposes of providing a collegial support and fellowship, exchange of ideas, community service, service to the university and learning enhancement. Mrs. Cheryl Nickerson is the faculty advisor.
The Social Research Club. This organization focuses on student research by enhancing student research capabilities, encouraging and sponsoring the investigation of social and psychological issues, providing an opportunity for student presentations at professional meetings, and maintaining a data bank of important research findings. This club is open to serious students who are dedicated to making a difference through research. Dr. Frances Staten currently serves as faculty advisor.
Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society. Dr. Frances Staten serves as the faculty advisor. This society is a national organization which requires application. Students who have a 3.5 overall grade point average and who have completed their freshman year are eligible to apply. This organization improves scholarship in the social sciences and inspires community service to humanity through an intellectual approach to the solution of social problems.
The Association of Black Psychologists. This organization provides service to the African American community through the investigation of psychological and psychosocial issues; enhanced research opportunities and presentations and scientific probe of data for solutions. This student group is affiliated with the national association.