The idea behind the Back2Basics Club is to follow the golden rule of “to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” So many of us have moved away from the simple values that we were born with. Examples, saying thank you, giving common courtesies, allowing an older person to sit and the like. However, this club will remind us of those values, but strive to do much more. In other words, bring back what has worked in the past.
Back2Basics will be led by Student Workers of Career Services. Other students, however,
will be invited to join. Students will make the rules, suggest topics to do panels
on, (Life Skills Strategies) handle operation of club, and choose officers. Students
will visit area high schools to teach their same values and to help them understand
how to utilize Career Services. Students will also be sent to make presentations
during classes on
GSU Campus.
Any officer that does not attend two (2) consecutive meetings will be removed from office. Vancies will be appointed by Advisors until a new year.
Advisor-An Advisor must be a full-time faculty or Staff members. Advisors will be Ms. Altha
Madison, LaToya Pierre, and Dr. Shelia Fobbs.
Elections –Elections will be held during the first meeting in September. Any person that has
been a member for at least six (6) months may run for an office. Nominations will
be made from the floor.
Ejections – Should any officer do not attend and perform duties, they will be removed.
Meetings-Meetings will take place once a month in the Seminar room of CS.
Budget-Budget will be handled by Advisors. Funds will be deposited in the Career Services
account with a record kept by advisor and secretary.
Committees –Events – High School Connection and Signature Program. Committee Chairs are selected
by members of committee.
Amendments to Constitution- Any amendment of constitution can only be amended by the majority of club members.
Ratification of Constitution will be by majority vote.