Seminar Series Survey

GSU Office of Sponsored Programs

Several areas that are linked to external funding opportunities have been identified as a focus for expanding the research footprint for the university. These areas include data analytics (big data science), rural health disparities, and minority health disparities.   Several strategies have been identified to support this expansion. These strategies include the establishment of a seminar series.  This seminar series will increase the exposure that faculty and staff have to research in the target areas.  This exposure is meant to stimulate the development of projects that reach across disciplines at the university.  An additional strategy focuses on providing granting writing workshops that go beyond providing tips for effective grant writing.   The workshops will instead allow the participant to write portions of narratives required for an actual grant solicitation.  The intent is the participant will finish writing the proposal after the workshop ends and submit the developed proposal to a funding agency.

To ensure that the seminars offered support your interests please take a few minutes to complete the following survey.

  This field is required. (COE, COB, COAS, Professional Studies) This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. (e.g. marketing, management, education, public health, etc.) This field is required. (e.g. educating the community, awareness, prevention, treatment, etc.) You have successfully submitted the survey, thank you for your participation! Survey results were not submitted, please contact the office of sponsored programs at <a href=""></a> or the IT department for further assistance.; Sponsored Programs Seminar Series form

For additional information please contact Mrs. Teresa Jackson at 318-274-6433 or