Registrar's Office
Veterans Legislation & Military Status

Grambling State University is approved for the training of VA students and certifies
the student’s enrollment to the appropriate VA Regional Office upon request. The GSU
Veteran Services Office, located in Grambling Hall, Registrar’s Office, Suite 18,
coordinates services to all veterans, dependents, guardsmen, and reservists attending
classes who are eligible for veteran’s benefits. Any veteran who is enrolled at GSU
who is eligible for VA educational benefits should notify the GSU Veterans Affairs
Office when he/she wishes to be certified. The GSU Veterans Affairs Office is currently
staffed by one Veteran’s Certifying Official.
Where Do I Start?
New Students |
Your first step is to apply for your educational benefits on the GI Bill® Website
( using the Veterans On-line Application Process (VONAPP). If you prefer, download and complete a paper application and submit it to the Registrar’s
Office (VA Form 22-1990 for Veterans, VA Form 22-5490 for dependents or VA Form 22-1990E for Post 9/11 Transfer of Entitlement). Also submit along with the paper application
provide a copy of your N.O.B.E (Notice of Basic Eligibility) for Reservists and copies
of any kickers. Once approve by the processing office, you will receive your Certificate
of Eligibility. A copy of this certificate will need to be sent to the VA Certifying
Official. Then a VA Semester Benefits Form will need to be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office before payments
can begin. |
Continuing Students |
If you are continuing from the previous semester, complete a GSU VA Semester Benefits Form and submit to the VA Certifying Official. |
Transfer Students |
You will need to submit all transcripts from previous universities along with a copy
of your Certificate of Eligibility. Then a VA Semester Benefits Form will need to be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office before payments
can begin. |
We require a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility for continuous processing. You
must certify your attendance EVERY MONTH with the VA for Chapters 30 and 1606 only.
You can either call the office in Muskogee, OK, at 1-877-823-2378 or certify online
at eBenefits. Other VA information can be obtained by contacting the VA Regional Office in Oklahoma
at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).
Reservist and National Guard Mobilization/Activation Policy
- Awarding of Academic Credit/Grades
- choosing to take the grade of “W” in all courses in which the student is officially
enrolled; or
- requesting with the concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which
the student is officially enrolled, to take an incomplete grade in some or all of
these courses. Students are cautioned that prolonged absence may affect their ability
to complete the coursework required for removal of incomplete grades. The student
may choose to take the grade of “W” in some courses and request the grade of incomplete
(with the instructor’s concurrence) in other courses.
- choosing to take the grade of “W” in all courses in which the student is officially
enrolled; or
- requesting, with the concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which
the student is officially enrolled, to take an incomplete grade in some or all of
these courses. The student may choose to take the grade of “W” in some courses and
request the grade of incomplete (with the instructor’s concurrence) in other courses;
- requesting, with the concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which
the student is officially enrolled, to receive a final grade in some or all of his
courses based upon the student’s work in the courses up to the date of mobilization/activation.
The student may request incomplete grades (with the concurrence of course instructors)
in some courses, choose the grade of “W” in some courses, and request final grades
based on coursework completed (with the concurrence of course instructors) in some
courses; or
- requesting, with concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which the
student is officially enrolled, to take an early final examination in some courses
in order that the instructor can determine a final course grade for the student. The
student may request in some courses (with the concurrence of the course instructors)
to: receive a final grade based upon coursework prior to the date mobilization/ activation,
request incomplete grades, choose the grade of “W”, and request early final exams.
- Mobilization/Activation during the first fourteen (14) class days of a regular semester
[seven (7) days for summer sessions] will result in the complete withdrawal of the
student from the university without penalty and without punitive grade.
- Mobilization/Activation during the period between the fifteenth (15th) class day [eight
(8th) class day for summer sessions] and the last day to withdraw from classes with
a grade of “W” will result in the awarding of the grade of “W” in all classes in which
the student is officially enrolled.
- Mobilization/Activation during the period between the next class day after the last
day to withdraw from classes with a grade of “W” and approximately one (1) to two
(2) weeks [five (5) to ten (10) class days] prior to the end of a regular semester
[three (3) to six (6) class days for a summer session] will result in the student:
- Mobilization/Activation during the last five (5) to ten (10) class days of a regular
semester [three (3) to six (6) class days for a summer session] will result in the
- Time Limit for Removing Incomplete Grades: If the mobilized/activated student requests (with the concurrence of the course instructors
involved) incomplete grades in all or some of the courses in which he/she is officially
registered, the student shall have no longer than one year after conclusion of the
involuntary term of active duty to meet with university officials and work out a timetable
for removing the incomplete grade(s).
- Academic Status Upon Reenrollment: When students whose higher education academic careers are interrupted by mobilization/
activation reenroll in the same institution within one year of completing their involuntary
term of active service, the university will make every possible effort to place these
students back into their academic studies track as close as possible to the same place
the student occupied when mobilized/activated. The normal readmission application
fee will be waived for these students. This will allow students to continue their
academic studies with as little interruption as possible.
Determine which VA benefit (chapter) you are eligible to use:
- Veterans Educational Benefits (For up-to-date detailed information about each type
of VA Benefit, please visit the links below
State Dependent Exemption (Title 29)
This benefit provides educational assistance to dependents of certain veterans of
the state of Louisiana:
- Children and surviving spouses of veterans who died in service in the Armed Forces
of the United States or died of a service connected disability incurred during a wartime
- Children of living veterans who are rated 90% or above disabled, including 100% individual
unemployability, by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs "Schedule for Rating Disabilities,"
as a result of a disability or disabilities incurred in service in the Armed Forces
of the United States.
- Eligible students are exempt from paying tuition and school-imposed fees. Student-imposed
fees are not exempt.
For more information or to apply for Title 29 contact your local Parish Veterans Service
Office .
Eligible students will receive a Fee Exemption Certificate from the Louisiana Department
of Veteran Affairs. You must submit the original certificate to the Office of Financial Aid receive the
Useful Information for VA Students:
Contact Information:
- VA Education Benefit Representative- Liaison
Shelia Nash (Registrar’s Office, VA School Certifying Official)
Phone: 318-274-7789
Fax: 318-274-2777
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 589, Grambling, LA 71245
Physical Address: 100 Founders, Grambling Hall, Suite 18~ Grambling, LA 71245
- Louisiana Department of Veteran Affairs
Phone: 225-219-5000 or 1-877-GEAUXVA
Fax: 225-219-5590
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94095~Baton Rouge, LA 70804
- Earnestine Fleming (LaVetCorp Navigator Campus Representative)
Phone: 318-274-6136
Physical Address: Jacob T. Stewart, Rm 321- Grambling, LA 71245
“Gl Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official
U.S. government website at"
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