DegreeWorks is the system of record used to monitor a student’s progress toward his or her degree. DegreeWorks will accurately map each student’s progress toward the selected degree, major, minor, concentration, and/or certificate.
DegreeWorks provides a clear picture of the requirements for your degree as well as how your academic history applies to those requirements. You can check DegreeWorks to map out the courses you need to register for, and to make informed decisions about various degree tracks. DegreeWorks should be used as an advising tool, in conjunction with the Academic Advisor.
Yes. DegreeWorks is a web-based tool.
Your audit will outline courses needed to meet degree, major, minor, and/or concentration requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.
@ = used as a wild card in DegreeWorks. If you see @ with course numbers after it, it means that you can take any subject area within the number range. If @ appears after the subject it means that you can take any course within the subject area.
(IP) = in progress
(*) = course is either a pre-requisite or requires a pre-requisite
= complete except for classes in-progress: this single ~ may appear on a set of requirements
using in-progress courses to show completion
= nearly complete (see your advisor): A double ~ indicates additional requirements are needed, and that you are advised
to consult your advisor
Yes. Your grades are visible in DegreeWorks. Final grades, however, may not be visible until grading closes at the end of the semester.
Your major GPA is a calculated GPA based on coursework used to fulfill major requirements. This GPA appears within the major block of your audit.
No. DegreeWorks is a snapshot of courses in-progress, planned, and in academic history. Registration will continue to be handled in Banner.
Yes, click on the Class History link at the top for a printable list of all courses.
Once AP scores are received from the College Board and credit is granted they are posted to the student record and will appear on the audit. Likewise, accepted transfer work will also appear.
DegreeWorks is refreshed every 15 minutes.
Yes. You may print your audit using standard printing tools. For the best results, we recommend you use the Save as PDF function. When you use the Save as PDF function, you can print your audit or it can be saved on your computer.
Yes. The only individuals that have access to your DegreeWorks information are you, your advisor and selected staff who will need access for the purpose of supporting your progress to completion of your academic degree.
Yes. The What-if feature gives you the ability to view how your courses would fit in a new major or minor.
The What-if function allows you to see how your current courses would apply toward the fulfillment of a different major or minor. The What-if audit will show you the requirements, how your completed or in-progress courses would specifically apply, and what requirements or courses would still be needed to complete the new program.
No. The What If feature is for informational purposes only. You will see the header What If Audit displayed at the top of the audit whenever an audit is run on the What If scenario.
Since What If scenarios are not stored on DegreeWorks, your advisor can only see your results if the two of you work through a What If audit together.
The Look Ahead feature allows students to see how future courses would fit into their degree major, minor, or concentration. DegreeWorks lets you test out courses (whether they are on the schedule or not) by looking ahead. Once you input projected courses, they will appear on your worksheet as Planned Term courses, and you can see how courses will fulfill requirements in your degree.
The Term Calculator will show you your estimated cumulative GPA after you fill in projected grade information. By putting in your current earned credits and GPA and placing your in-progress courses in the table (this all will default in for you) along with the grade you anticipate receiving for each course; you will see a revised cumulative GPA based on the estimates you provided.
No. This is an estimate only.
Your academic advisor is your primary point of contact. If your advisor determines that your audit is incorrect, he/she will contact the correct office for changes/updates.
Students should contact their academic advisor if information appears to be incorrect, or is not filtering into requirement areas as expected. Your advisor will work with the appropriate personnel to ensure your audit is updated.
Please ask your advisor for assistance. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong. These are the most common problems and courses of action:
This can be a timing issue such as posting of grades for the current semester. If you have followed through on requirements you were told to complete, you should still be on track for graduation. Contact your advisor as soon as possible.
Be sure to apply for Graduation via Banner. Speak with your academic advisor to assure you are on track to graduate.
You need to apply for graduation by the deadline in the academic calendar by completing the Graduation Application in Banner.