Welcome to Grambling State University’s Office of Human Resources. Our staff is committed to equal and fair employment practices and to providing quality, timely and accurate service using cost-effective, best-practice methods with the highest professional and ethical standards. Human Resources is the central office for maintaining the official personnel records for all faculty and staff of the University,
Our professional staff have responsibility for processing all employment appointments; advising faculty and staff regarding employee policies and procedures, compensation, benefits, and state and federal rules and regulations concerning employment; employee relations and staff development including on-site workshops and training, new employee orientation; employee benefit dissemination, etc. We also manage and maintain the primary database for reporting requirements on faculty/staff information. The EEO/Wage and Salary Office is an integral part of Human Resources and our offices work closely together.
Employees who need to meet with a Human Resources staff person should refer to the staff directory and make an appointment. On-site walk-ins are discouraged.
Requests for information (i.e., employment verifications, salary verifications, copies of pay stubs, documents from the employee personnel file, etc.) should generally be in writing. It generally requires 48 hours for these requests to be met. It is unreasonable for employees to expect on-site demand for such assistance. Thank you for your compliance.
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.