The Family Nurse Practitioner option is a twenty-one month (or five semester)
course of study, requiring 49 graduate credit hours for a Master of Science
in Nursing degree. Classes meet one day every week on campus for didactics
and planned laboratory and computer lab experiences. Clinical experiences
are arranged in the learner’s geographic area by clinical faculty.
Clinical experiences are monitored by clinical faculty to assure that graduate
students receive a full range of clinical experiences. Experienced nurse
practitioners and physicians serve as clinical site preceptors for student
clinical experiences. Upon completion of the program of study, the graduate
is eligible to take a national certification examination and obtain advanced
practice licensure.
The five-semester curriculum focuses on advanced assessment skills, management of primary care problems for clients of all ages, pharmacotherapeutics, pathophysiology, research and nursing theory. Additionally, Grambling’s program focuses on the dynamics of family and interactions within family units, community and rural health issues, and the acquisition of the role of nurse practitioner. Students earn over 700 clinical hours in primary health care settings under the direction of approved preceptors.
A Post Master’s FNP Curriculum and a Post Certification FNP Certificate Curriculum are available upon request. The Post Master’s FNP plan is designed for the nurse who has an earned master’s in nursing in an area other than nurse practitioner preparation. This curriculum plan requires 39 credit hours for completion.
The Post Certification FNP Certificate is designed for nurse practitioners with an earned Master’s degree in nursing, but the same nurse practitioner preparation was an area other than family (pediatrics, women’s health, adult, etc.) This plan of study requires 18-20 credit hours for completion.