Master of Science in Criminal Justice

The interdisciplinary Master of Science program with a major in Criminal Justice is designed to provide students with a high quality education through intensive study under the tutelage of a dedicated and professional faculty. The purpose of the program is to provide students with the latest theories and methods that will be of benefit to both practitioners and researchers as they pursue career and educational objectives. A major effort of the program is devoted toward teaching students how to analyze complex problems and research innovative but practical solutions to those problems


  1. Evidence of admission of the requirements of Graduate Studies.
  2. Evidence of at least a Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and a 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or better grade point average.
  3. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities in which previously enrolled must be on file in the School of Graduate Studies.
  4. Submission of scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) taken within the last five years.  The GRE should be taken before Admission to Candidacy, i.e. during or before the first semester of admission to the program.


All students are required to complete the following core courses with grades of "A" or "B":

CJ 502 Writing Seminar for Criminal Justice 3
CJ 505 Theories of Crime & Delinquency 3
CJ 581 Methods of Justice Research I 3
CJ 582 Methods of Justice Research II 3
Total:   12



A minimum of 36 credit hours is required of students pursuing the thesis option of study. Thesis students are also required to perform satisfactorily during an Oral Defense of the thesis. The general design of the Plan of Study for students pursuing the thesis program is indicated below:

Core Courses 12
CJ 596 Proposal Research & Writing 3
CJ 598 Thesis Research I 3
CJ 599 Thesis Research II 3
Approved Criminal Justice Electives 9
Approved Electives 6
Total:   36



A minimum of 42 credit hours is required of students pursuing the non-thesis option of study. Non-thesis students are also re­quired to perform satisfactorily on three Written Comprehensive Examinations: (1) a three-hour exam in Research Methods, (2) a three-hour exam in Theories of Crime and Delinquency, and (3) a four-hour exam in Criminology and Law. The general design of the Plan of Study for students pursuing the non-thesis program is indicated below:


Core Courses 12
Approved Criminal Justice Electives* 21
Approved Electives 9
Total:   42
*Cannot include CJ 596 (Proposal Research & Writing), CJ 598 Directed Thesis Research I), or CJ 599 (Directed Thesis Research II)



  1. A 3.0 or better overall grade point average in all work pursued as a graduate student and grades of "A" or "B" in each of the four required core courses.
  2. Admission to Candidacy.
  3. Successful completion of the written comprehensive examinations (except students pursuing the Thesis Option).  The examination is three parts and all parts must be taken the semester prior to graduation or the semester of graduation.  The student must pass all three parts of the examination to complete the degree requirements.
  4. Successful completion of the thesis and oral defense of the thesis (except students pursuing the Non-Thesis Option).
  5. The Application for Graduation, your completed Plan of Study and Advisement Verification Form must be submitted to the administrative assistant,  Room 221 Jacob T. Stewart – 318-274-3185, the first week of the semester that you plan to graduate.  The Plan of Study and Advisement Contract must be completed and signed by you and your advisor.

Master's Curriculum Plan of Study

Criminal Justice Graduate Student Manual