The Department of Developmental and Higher Education is dedicated to supporting and
advancing the mission and goals of the University, and to this end, its primary goal
is to prepare competent, professional personnel for employment in schools, service
agencies, postsecondary educational settings, business, industry, and government agencies.
Its purposes include, but are not limited to:
The Department of Developmental and Higher Education has responsibility for three graduate programs: Master of Science (M.S.) and the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Developmental Education; and Post-Masters Certificate in Developmental Education
Programs in Developmental Education are designed to prepare researchers, practitioners and leaders for postsecondary education, business, industry, government, and human services. Developmental educators work both in the traditional classroom and in the workplace, using a variety of skills, including counseling, administration, management, student support and personnel services, and instructional design to assist traditional and nontraditional students who require developmental/remedial services in postsecondary educational settings.
Dr. Cheyrl Mansfield Ensley
Interim Department Head/Associate Professor
Departments of Curriculum & Instruction and Developmental and Higher Education Studies