Originally founded at Clemson University in 2000, the Call Me MiSTER (Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role models) program strives to increase the pool of available teachers from a more diverse background, particularly among the State's lowest-performing elementary schools. Student participants are largely selected from among under-served, socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities. Call Me MiSTER serves students at 19 participating colleges within South Carolina and 8 national partner institutions, including Grambling State University that offers:
Tuition assistance
Out-of-state fee waivers
Academic Coaches
Praxis Prep
Preferential Housing
Professional Learning Communities
Networking Opportunities
Service-Learning and Leadership Training
"As I advance through the program, I began to understand that the privilege of teaching others is bigger than myself."
- Mister Ja'Deric Talbert, Future Educator
Dr. George Noflin
Associate Professor
Phone: (318) 805-6225
Email: nofling@gram.edu
Director of Black Male Initiative/Call Me MiSTER Program
College of Education
Grambling State University
Tyra Muhammad, MS
Phone: (318) 274-3873
Email: muhammadt@gram.edu
Program Coordinator/Call Me MiSTER Program
College of Education
Grambling State University
Call Me MiSTER is designed to support underrepresented males of color; however, participation is open to all individuals who meet the program’s criteria, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or veterans' status. The program adheres to the university's Equal Employment Opportunity policy in all of its activities in accordance with the law.