Partnership Activities with High Schools

Student Success and SOAR

In an effort to positively impact enrollment/registration and retention, Student Success, under the auspices of Enrollment Management, organized and implemented four Summer Orientation Advising and Registration (SOAR) sessions for Summer, 2011.  Each session was structured as a two-day event.  As a result, a total of 467 new students were oriented to the university and 400 (86%) completed the registration process prior to the first day of classes.

  Registered Expected Male  Female
New Student Orientation 1 64 88 18 46
New Student Orientation 2 108 141 36 72
New Student Orientation 3 115 160 33 82
New Student Orientation 4 180 262 61 119
Total 467      

Student Success and Early Orientation
Following instructions of the Provost/Academic Vice President, the New Student Welcome Week activity for Student Success was revised for Sping, 2012.  The Student Success activity (Black Carpet Introductions) developed around  a “Welcome Skit” that highlighted certain situations/circumstances that the student might  encounter while attending school.  Each scenario was a lead-into the introduction of a key GSU administrator, who briefly addressed the audience.  A total of at least 36 new students attended this activity and by way of a survey, 100% positive feedback about the activity was provided.  The questions and responses to the survey were:

*Did the session provide helpful information? 36 out of 36 responded – Yes
*Was the session of relevance to you? 36 out of 36 responded – Yes
*Was the information in each session effectively presented? 36 out of 36 responded – Yes
*Did the session meet your expectations? 36 out of 36 responded – Yes
*My overall impression of the Orientation Session: 29 out of 36 responded – Excellent
7 out of 36 responded – Good

Their overall suggestion/comment was that this activity be expanded on for future orientation sessions.