Partnership Activities with High Schools

CMAST/LA Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science Teachers


Bastrop High School, Bastrop

The 2010 Summer Science Academy was held June 7 – June 11, 2010 and was available to High School science teachers in the areas of physics and physical science.  The Summer Science Academy was also used as a recruiting tool that could be extended from the teacher participants to their high school students.  The Heads of Dept. from Chemistry, Biology, Math and Engineering Tech were invited to address the teachers one morning prior to them beginning their first session with Mr. Frazier.  It was great!!  The Department heads had brochures and discussed what their department had to offer.  Engineering Tech passed out bags as well.

****Each faculty selected the lessons that they presented

  1. Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Project.
    • Conducted by Mr. John Frazier, Engineering Technology
    • Participants were able to experience the use of AutoCAD software as they designed a flying object
    • Participants had daily half day session involvement throughout the Academy with the development and design stage as well as with the use of electrical circuits involved
    • Participants were able to actually gain flight experience as they were able to fly their designed projects upon completion
  2. Big and Small:  How to  Scale an Image
    • Conducted by Dr. Danny Hubbard, Chemistry--- The activity involved the study of physical phenomena using the Logger Pro software to perform a frame-by-frame video analysis of changes an object undergoes. Participants learned how to choose units and set a scale using Logger Pro so that you can perform quantitative analyses of real physical events.  The Logger Pro software is by Venier.
    • Students were involved with the use of the GSU Planetarium
  3. An Insulated Cola Bottle
    • Conducted by Mrs. Natalie Hendrix, Biology---The activity involved the study of heat insulation properties of some materials. Participants worked on designing the best insulated cola bottle.
  4. Solar Homes and Heat Sinks
    • Conducted by Mrs. Natalie Hendrix, Biology—The activity examined the effectiveness of a thermal mass. Participants discussed how to design and build a model solar home

Summerfield High School, Summerfield

Homer  High School

Jonesboro-Hodge, Jonesboro

Minden High School

Gibsland-Coleman High School, Gibsland

Carroll High School, Monroe