We. Are. Grambling. – A Message from President Gallot

by Rick Gallot, President of Grambling State University
Article reposted from “The College Town” insert of the Ruston Daily Leader
Dear Tigers:
You are the continuation of the incredible Grambling State University legacy. For more than 118 years, we’ve led innovation in education and influenced culture around the world.
Today, the spirit of our legacy continues to respond to industry need and emerging opportunity for African Americans. It helps us define achievement now as a community of learners and educators.
That spirit has resulted in invitations from Beyoncé. That spirit has connected us with icons like Magic Johnson. That spirit is landing you internships and jobs in high places, from Wall Street to major TV networks across the globe.
This year I want to encourage you to take care of and grow that spirit.
Today, as Americans and industries forge through unfamiliar territories, we are in the best position to produce and become the leaders of innovation and civic change that redefine how the world visualizes success.
Through our digital library, we will help create the next generation of information access.
Through our academics, our students and faculty are already setting new standards in research and learning.
Through our collective giving, we are creating a model for what’s possible when the synergy of public, private, and individual forces combine to create an impact.
Today, the innovation we drive isn’t just monumental on our campus. It is the essence of who we are and will always be; at Grambling we are the definition for success.
As you venture into the classroom, out onto campus, to work, and everywhere else you go, I want you to remember that Grambling State University is the place “Where Everybody is Somebody”. This is more than a motto. It is a way of life. It is who we are.
We. Are. Grambling.
Rick Gallot
President of Grambling State University