Grambling Alumni Awarded Massachusetts Black Judges Conference Book Award – President's Corner

An alumnus of Grambling State University has been honored with a Book Award from the Massachusetts Black Judges Conference that will provide financial assistance to cover the cost of books for his legal studies. Christopher Hughes is a 2010 graduate of Grambling with a Bachelor of Art degree in Political Science. He is currently a second-year law student at New England Law in Boston.

The Massachusetts Black Judges Conference was founded in 1977 to represent the interests of African American judges in Massachusetts. The MBJC sponsors an annual Book Award program, which recognizes outstanding African American law students in Massachusetts. It also advocates on behalf of the African American judiciary in public forums.

According to the New England Law website, Hughes serves as evening chair of the Black Law Students Association, is a member of the Charles Hamilton Houston Enrichment Program and has participated in the law school’s Public Interest Legal Clinic. He plans to become a tax lawyer focusing on corporate tax law and tax litigation, but also plans to work pro-bono cases in family law.