For more than 40 years Pauline Blakey was a propelling force in Grambling State University College of Business, where she impacted the lives of hundreds of students as a marketing/business instructor as well as serving as Director of Admissions.


And now Sept. 5, 2024, will forever be remembered as Mrs. Pauline Blakely Day at GSU after she was honored Thursday with a ceremony in the College of Business’ Dean Suite at Jacob T. Stewart Hall that included the announcement of a scholarship that has been established in Blakely’s name.


“We are here to honor excellence,” said Dr. Derrick Warren, Dean of GSU’s College of Business. “We are here to honor legacy. We are here to honor academic, iconic, amazing, wonderful, honest and direct teaching capabilities that from what I’ve heard since I’ve been here as Dean of the College of Business have been unmatched.


“When we think of marketing excellence, in the dictionary you see a picture of Pauline Blakley. That’s why it is such a privilege to be a part of this celebration where we recognize someone who has poured so much into this College of Business and into our lives. We’re going to celebrate her not just today but every day and invite her back any time she would like.”


GSU President Dr. Martin Lemelle Jr. called the experience of getting to honor Blakely a humbling one.


“I have both the professional and personal family connection of benefiting from her legacy, from her teaching, from her counsel, from her preparation,” Lemelle said. “If you grew up in Grambling, you grew up as part of this village. When her daughter was preparing for a pageant, I was right there making sure the notes were right on key.


“Preparation is a lifelong journey, and that’s what Mrs. Blakely has done for her family and has done for this institution. We talk about her service certainly in the College of Business, but also her service in the Department of Admissions in helping to recruit new Gramblinites, and that is a core experience that allows us to create the next generation of leaders. Today is about honoring this institution and honoring a pioneer in the field — one who has given tirelessly to this institution with over 40 years of experience. That’s a commitment that goes beyond just a job, it’s an investment in the future.”


Marva Vary-Savage is a 1990 GSU marketing graduate who has established the scholarship in Blakely’s honor.


“When I reflect back on how Ms. Blakely impacted my time at Grambling and how she helped to shape and mold me with the knowledge and information of marketing — her business and marketing acumen is second to none,” Vary-Savage said. “I’m not bragging on myself, I’m bragging on how much she poured into my life. We didn’t always make the mark, but she was always able to give us that nurturing push to prepare us and help us better ourselves.


“Because she poured so much into me and I sent out the email asking others about establishing a scholarship in her name and so many people said yes and asked how they could help, it also made me feel like Mrs. Blakely was cheating on me. I thought I was special, and I was, but she had an uncanny way of making everyone feel like nobody else was there in the room, and I was bound and determined to let her know we knew what she had done and wanted to recognize how much we appreciate her for that.”


Blakely’s children Ken Blakely and Lisa Blakely did most of the acceptance speaking on behalf of their mother, who simply joked that she felt like dancing more than talking.


“She’s always been a legend to us but it’s good to see her finally recognized on a center stage,” Ken Blakely said.


Both of Blakely’s children studied marketing under their mother’s instruction and admitted that wasn’t easy.


“We all had to do a marketing presentation on something we were trying to sell,” Ken Blakely said. “All the other students got to choose the product they wanted to try and sell. She told me I had to sell her a paperclip.


“Ultimately, I sold her the paperclip by putting her in such a precarious position that she didn’t have another choice. But as a student, by making me do that she pushed me to another level to better myself. Even though I got that every day at home, it was just a different level of challenge. Even though I got it at home, in the classroom she pushed me to another level as well.”


Blakely was honored with a Humanitarian Award from GSU, something that was very much deserved, her daughter said.


“I knew of her greatness and then she came home with this Humanitarian Award,” Lisa Blakely said. “And I was so glad she was being recognized because people would always live with us. We didn’t know strangers. If someone couldn’t get housing, she would tell them to come and stay with her. During Homecoming everyone would always come over to the house and she’d have food and everything ready.


“Nobody was a stranger to her. She just wanted them to be educated at Grambling State University. She bleeds black and gold.”


The scholarship in Blakely’s name will be set up for $1,000 per semester for a GSU marketing major with certain academic stipulations including a 2.5 EPA. More information on the scholarship will be available through the GSU’s College of Business Dean’s Office.