Above: Located in the Lafayette Room of Favrot Student Union, the newly opened career closet is available by appointment through the Center for Career and Professional Development. PHOTO BY CARLTON HAMLIN


Grambling, La. – October 16, 2023 – Dressing for success has never been easier for students at Grambling State University (GSU).

In conjunction with Homecoming Week festivities, the university held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new Career Closet located on the second floor of the Favrot Student Union. That closet will provide professional attire at no cost for GSU students in need of such for occasions such as job interviews, conference appearances, and the like.
Antoinette Livingston, director of the Center for Career and Professional Development (formerly Career Services) said the project of creating a new Career Closet, emblazoned with the phrase “own every space you enter” on its main wall, came with much help all the way down to the university’s student body itself.
“The students put together shelves, they painted the room, they brought clothing — they brought the whole nine yards,” Livingston said. “So, this isn’t a Center for Career and Professional Development thing, this is a Grambling thing.”
Livingston admitted being overwhelmed by all the support received in moving GSU’s Career Closet to a new location more accessible to students.
“Thank you (Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Rudolph Ellis) for coming into this thing with us,” Livingston said. “Having two closets will make a monumental difference for our students. And (Vice President for University Advancement and Innovation Brandon Logan) has alumni sending stuff. He gets like 100 emails every day from people saying they’re sending stuff or bringing stuff.”
Livingston then reflected back to an old catchphrase used often by legendary GSU football coach Eddie G. Robinson.
“I guess all I can say is — ‘We Grambling.’ Right?” Livingston said. “That’s it, because the way people have shown up and contributed to this is great.”
Livingston also talked about the need for an improved Career Closet.
“It was amazing when I got here to see how many students needed things,” Livingston said. “One thing that stands out to me was a young man that was going to an engineering conference. He came to my office at 4 p.m. one afternoon and was leaving (to the conference) at 3 a.m. the next morning. He found something, but even I was not happy with it.”
“Had I had the ability to, or the time to, I would have gone and bought him something, because when we have young men that look like us going to engineering conferences, that last thing they sure be worrying about is what they’re going to wear. If we can take that worry from there to where all they have to worry about is the studying, the work and the jobs, that’s special.”
The Career Closet features suits, ties, shoes, dresses and accessories such as jewelry.
But Livingston is already thinking ahead about more.
“Now I’m thinking about briefcases,” she said. “I want cufflinks, I want tie clips, I want our students to walk out looking like I want my sons to look when they go to interviews for a job.”
Logan talked about the team effort it took in putting the new Career Closet together in time for Homecoming festivities.
“This is truly a project that took collaboration,” Logan said during the ribbon cutting ceremony. “It was interdepartmental, so Dr. Ellis, I just want to say to you and your team, thank you. (Director of Campus Activities, Student Engagement, and Favrot Student Union) Marcus Kennedy, thank you. When you understand that we have 95% of our students on some form of aid, there’s true service we have to provide for our institution to be able to fill in those gaps. We don’t want any students to have to feel as if they’re not getting what they need on a holistic basis here at Grambling State University.”
“I know that’s the charge our president gives his cabinet, and I want to make sure we are continuing to make sure that we are executing with excellence. So today should be a signature milestone day for us as Grambling Tigers at Homecoming week truly understanding what the ‘Capital of Culture’ is — it’s taking care of each other.”
Now Logan hopes word about the new Career Closet will continue to spread.
“I certainly hope that students and leadership that are here today make this known to their peers — that we have a Career Closet that is of high quality for you to be proud of and not ashamed to walk into it.”
“We want to make sure everyone feels supported on their journey here at Grambling State University. And I hope as we prepare to cut this ribbon today that you now feel that Grambling State has its own Neiman Marcus for you all to shop at — at no cost.”
President Rick Gallot was on hand to hold one end of the ribbon cut by GSU students during the ceremony and express his appreciation.
“Kudos to VP. Logan, Mrs. Livingston, (Interim Alumni Engagement/Annual Giving Coordinator) Tim Stewart and the whole team — everyone — for making this a reality,” Gallot said.
“We’re going to always meet our students where they are, and if where we meet them is a need for suits, or dresses, or whatever it may be, we’re going to be there to meet you.”
Access to the Career Closet is by appointment only via career@gram.edu