by Bobbie Handcock

Harry Hooker III has the distinction of being a member of the Grambling State University World Famed Tiger Marching Band. The saxophone player from DeRidder, Louisiana creates wonderful music with his woodwind instrument and it has led to some first-rate opportunities.

“Being a member of the World Famed Tiger Marching Band has been one of the most fulfilling experiences during my undergraduate journey,” he said. “I have made lifelong friends, traveled to many places, and being in the band has opened many doors for me during my time at Grambling.”
“I have also had the opportunities to pledge Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity Inc.,” he added. That alliance has been beneficial to his collegiate career and has helped him be a better bandsman, said Hooker who also plays the flute and clarinet.

While blending melodies has definitely been an enjoyable and positive experience, the chemistry major said his dream is to work with medications.

“I chose chemistry because my goal since high school is to go to pharmacy school and being a chemistry major would give me the necessary foundation,” he explained. “I chose biology as my minor because I would be better prepared for pharmacy school and it is an area of study that really fascinates me.”

Dr. Bobby Burkes instructed, observed, and monitored Hooker III throughout his time at GSU.

“Mr. Hooker has performed admirably in his studies and was chosen as an outstanding Chemistry Junior to represent Grambling’s Chemistry Department as a Summer Intern at Eli Lilly Inc. Pharmaceuticals,” he said, calling Hooker “an asset as a student.”

Hooker said he is thrilled to be graduating. “This has been what I have worked for four years,” he said. “It definitely has been a journey with its ups and downs, but I have had the time of my life at Grambling.”

Graduating from college was an expectation that his family pushed him to achieve so that he could carry on the Grambling tradition.

“My grandfather, mother, uncle, and many cousins have all graduated from Grambling so it’s really breathtaking to finally be graduating,” Hooker said.

Afterwards, he plans to work for a pharmacy in his hometown as he prepares for pharmacy school.

“I am super blessed to have a job the week after graduation and plan to use this to learn as much about the pharmacy as possible,” he said. “I have also been accepted into Howard University College of Pharmacy for Fall 2021.”

At Grambling, Hooker was able to take advantage of multiple opportunities to further his life and career goals.

“I took advantage of all the help, tools, and the resources that were laid out before me, which really facilitated me excelling during my time at GSU,” he said. “I was able to have two internships, be in the band, be a brother of Alpha Phi Alpha and Kappa Kappa Psi, Chemistry Club, and many more organizations which really helped bring the best out of me.”

Reflecting back, he said he came to Grambling to “conquer and excel and without a shadow of a doubt, I did. Don’t let your own doubts hold you back and Carpe Diem.”

His family has been a fueling force along his academic journey, Hooker said.

“My family really inspires me to continue to strive for excellence and to continue to push through even when times get tough,” Hooker said. “With my family it’s always ‘The Best or Nothing’ and I’m going to give my best.”