by Bobbie Handcock | Office of Communications

Kendalyn Arceneaux began her studies at Grambling State University as a student-athlete. The former third baseman has learned that life doesn’t always go as planned but, if you stay the course, sometimes it all works out. Arceneaux, who is from Clayton County, Ga., was recruited to GSU and given the opportunity to play collegiate softball while earning her degree.

“That’s where my journey began,” she explained. “The nursing program ended my freshmen year and I had to change my major from pre-nursing to biology. I earned my first degree in biology in May of 2018. After I graduated, the nursing program came back to Grambling and I started in the Fall of 2019. Now fast forward to present day, I am receiving my Bachelors of Science in Nursing on April 14. “

Despite the setback, she’s glad she stuck to the course.

“I was discouraged when it ended and I was very excited to start the nursing program when it started back. I felt that it was finally my time to accomplish my goal,” she said, adding that “Grambling was home and it felt right to stay and get my degree here. “

The GSU School of Nursing is now growing the best in healthcare providers through cutting-edge education. From the pre-nursing program and bachelor of science in nursing to graduate education and research, students, faculty, and alumni are helping shape one of the most important helping professions.

Arceneaux said nursing is a profession that fits her. “I chose nursing because I have a compassion for taking care of people.”

Dr. Meg Brown, a registered nurse, and professor in the School of Nursing, said Arceneaux has served in the leadership role as the student representative for the cohort.

“She has represented undergraduate nursing on the School of Nursing’s Advisory Committee as well as on Bachelor of Science in Nursing departmental committees (Curriculum and Evaluation),” she said.

“Kendalyn’s ability to work with people of different ages stands out and will be beneficial in nursing when it may be necessary to care for others across the lifespan,” Brown said, describing Arceneaux as a natural caregiver who shows caring behavior effortlessly. These qualities will “make Kendalyn an asset to the nursing profession and to those that she will eventually serve.”

Dagne Hill, who was the biology academic advisor and the department head during when Arcenceaux was at GSU, describes her as very studious and hardworking.

“I admire her drive (as a student-athlete) and commitment to her academic endeavors. No task was ever too large for her as she handled everything with grace.”

Arceneaux is excited about commencement and eager to take the next step in her academic journey.

“I’m honored to be able to receive two degrees from Grambling that will prepare me for the real world,” she said. “My plan is to study and take my state board exam (NCLEX-RN). After I pass and receive my license to practice as a registered nurse, I will begin nursing.”

She’s also ready to set a new course that will hopefully help improve healthcare.

“I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life. I also look forward to saving lives and being a part of the change we need in the healthcare system,” she said. “I’m ready to take on the world.”

Arceneaux her years at the “greatest HBCU were the best years of my life. I grew into the woman I am today because of how Grambling molded me. I wouldn’t change anything about my journey.”

Her parents, she said, have inspired her along the way.

“I’m an only child so my parents are my best friends. They are hardworking and loving people that have supported me through everything in my life,” Arceneaux said. “They mean the world to me.”