Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s Report Reveals Continued Fiscal Health and Enrollment Growth

GRAMBLING, La. – January 7, 2020 – Today, Grambling State University announced that the institution’s 2019 financial review conducted by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s office had no findings.

“We continue to prioritize accountability and accuracy throughout our University,” said President Rick Gallot. “Our successful audits are evidence of the constant hard work and collaboration between our finance division and leaders across our campus.” 

The University’s most recent audit examined activity during the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2019. For this period, the report determined that Grambling State has sound internal controls and is in compliance with all laws and regulations.

“We appreciate the work of our audit team and those who collaborate across the state to invest in our accountability,” said Martin Lemelle, Executive Vice President. “Each audit is an opportunity to examine and improve our processes while we grow our fiscal health.”

The audit report notes the University’s steady enrollment increase as the institution completed its second year running with a positive balance sheet.

“The University’s consistent accountability is key as our student body and academic programs continue to grow,” said Lemelle. “These outcomes demonstrate that Grambling State continues to be a worthwhile investment for our students and partners.”