
From Los Angeles to Louisiana to Beijing, Grambling State students are changing the world while putting their education to work.

At the start of summer President Rick Gallot challenged the student body, saying, “As you head off to invest your summer, whether through internships, work, or continuing your studies, I want to encourage you to never stop innovating.”

These Tiger interns took the message to heart:


  1. Karmel-Serah Reeves Highlighted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for Diversity Work
    Reeves, a graduate student in Public Administration helped create the “American Indian Influence on Agriculture” program. The multi-day forum was the most attended Diversity Month program and earned her an “Intern in the Spotlight” acknowledgment in USDA’s newsletter “the Voice.”
  1. Danielle Riles is Growing Cybersecurity at Hewlett Packard
    Riles, a sophomore Computer Information Systems major from New Orleans, is representing the #GramFam in Austin, Texas, as an Enterprise Intern supporting cyber threat protection for Hewlett Packard’s central Texas campus and data center.
  1. Kayla Sullers, Behind the Camera of FOX’s Series, Empire
    A rising sophomore in Mass Communications, Sullers has landed a spot behind the camera for the sixth and final season of the award-winning television series Empire, which stars acclaimed actors Taraji P. Henson, Terrance Howard, and Yazz. Her work as a summer intern also included an excursion to Beijing, China where she assisted Mario Van Peebles in addition to an invitation to work during this academic year.
  1. Morilyn Fontenot is Helping Innovate Women’s Health Research
    A rising Biology senior from Lake Charles, Fontenot is a biomedical intern at Simmons University in Boston, MA. Her summer work and research have included studying the effects of synthetic biology protocols for an Estrogen Biosensor project.
  1. Jasmine Hunter Gets Hands-On With Personal Injury Law
    Hunter, a native of Chesapeake, VA and a senior in Criminal Justice, is getting hands-on experience at Bobby Manning Law Firm in Monroe, LA. As an intern for the firm’s principal, her work includes learning the connections between litigation and classroom concepts like the duty of care and causation.
  2. Historic NASA Research Center Recruits Christian Hughes
    Electrical Engineering sophomore Hughes is helping create innovation in space exploration and research at The Aerospace Company in El Segundo, CA. A native of Los Angeles, Hughes is a contributor to the country’s only federally funded research and development center.
  3. Omar Sims Learns the Connection between Human Resources and Criminal Justice
    This summer Sims, a senior in Criminal Justice from Flint, MI, is working in the human resources division of DM Burr Group, a private security firm. In addition to his onsite work, Sims is also contributing to a statewide research project studying the effects of policies and felonies on the current job market.
  1. Alexis White Drives Impact in Global Technology
    This summer Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, more commonly known as “Deloitte” recruited Computer Science student, Alexis White. White is working to support the multinational professional services firms’ Global Technology Infrastructure Business based in Princeton, NJ.
  1. Nigel Ribeiro Develops Software for Leading Asset Recovery Company
    This summer Ribeiro, a graduating senior in Computer Information Systems, is interning in his hometown of Norfolk, VA. His work as a software engineer is helping national asset-recovery provider Portfolio Recovery Associates innovate in finance and compliance.
  1. Cameron Jackson Helps Create the Future of MRI Scanning
    A triple-majoring junior in Computer Science, Math, and Physics, Jackson is contributing to history-making research aimed at decreasing motion in MRI scans and Magnetic Resonance Thermometry. An intern at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, NY, Jackson shares, “The rapid manufacturing of technology, nanotechnology and the constant upgrades to the new developments in the medical world was an eye-opener for me.”
  1. ESPN’s Undefeated Taps Deja Harrison
    This summer, junior Mass Communication major Harrison of New Orleans has continued her work as a podcast and video producer through ESPN’s Rhoden Fellow. “It’s been amazing,” said Harrison. “I also had the opportunity to attend the NFL Draft, the Final Four, the Big 12 Women’s Basketball Tournament and the Sun Belt Basketball tournament.”  More on this internship
  1. Faith Pittman Helps Drive Quality Control for Top 10 U.S. Pharmaceutical Company
    Pittman, a senior Chemistry major from Dallas, TX, is spending her summer helping drive innovation in quality control. The lab intern for Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals said in a recent interview, “I am so thankful for my advisers like Dr. Marsha Cole, Dr. Roberson, and my mother (STEM consultant), who helped prepare me for the interviews and opportunities.” More on Pittman
  1. Channing Brown, Helping Design the Future of Houston Public Transit
    Brown, a senior majoring in Computer Information Systems, is assisting both the urban planning and engineering teams at the Houston metro’s headquarters. As an intern, Brown helps drive the future of public transit in one of America’s largest cities.
  1. Aesun Lettsome Studies Smiles in Texas
    Junior Lettsome is interning in health services at the University of Texas School of Dentistry. The London, England native studies biology at Grambling State and is exploring a career in dentistry.
  1. Space Satellite Antenna Manufacturer Hires Imani Lawson
    Lawson, of the Grambling State class of 2020, joined the team of publicly-traded L3Harris, one of the leading manufacturers of space and aviation technology. Working directly under the company’s director of engineering, her efforts resulted in an invite to develop reports and briefings for the company’s senior team.
  2. Governor Bel Edwards Selected Justin Malone
    This summer, rising senior marketing and business management major Malone experienced public policy in action, learned the rich history and current affairs of Louisiana government, and earned academic credit hours through the Governor’s Fellows Program in Louisiana Government. Read more

If you’re looking to hire a Grambling State intern, the time to start recruiting is now. Contact our Office of Career Services to learn how you can recruit online and at our upcoming career fair.

To all of our other Tiger Interns, send your summer highlights to and help us highlight your success on social media as well as the University news page,