Two prizes of up to $13,000 awarded for well-researched work on Future Reconfigurations in Asia 2045 and New Revolutions in Military Affairs

JAFFREY, N.H. – May 10, 2021 – As part of its mission to find and foster new voices to address strategic questions surrounding the long-term competitions facing the United States, the Andrew W. Marshall Foundation (AWMF) is offering two multi-round prizes of up to $13,000 for well-researched, intellectually bold work on Future Reconfigurations in Asia 2045 and New Revolutions in Military Affairs.

AWMF seeks papers that are diagnostic rather than prescriptive; are informed and speculative; build upon a foundation of research; and employ an interdisciplinary approach. Read the competition guidelines at

Winners will have the opportunity to present their work to leading scholars and practitioners in the national security field and beyond, and have their submission published as a “working paper” by AWMF. Both paper prize competitions consist of three rounds. Submissions of abstracts for consideration for the Round One prizes are due by 11:59 PM ET on Monday, June 28, 2021.

Round One:  Submission of Abstract Submission of Paper; Up to 10 Semi-Finalists Awarded $500

Round Two: Submission of Paper; Up to 5 Finalists Awarded $2,500

Round Three:  Submission of Final Paper; Grand Prize Winner Awarded $10,000

These competitions are open to all. AWMF is eager to find new voices of any age, background, experience, or discipline, including practitioners and scholars from non-traditional backgrounds with knowledge and skills transferable to national security studies.

About the Andrew W. Marshall Foundation
Founded by Andrew W. Marshall and Jaymie A. Durnan, with the support of generations of people who worked for, worked with, or were mentored by Andy Marshall, the Andrew W. Marshall Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt private foundation. The people and work it supports are impartial and intellectually fearless.