IMG_5568$462,000 Energy Grant Opportunity Grows Campus Opportunity for Student Impact

This week, Louisiana’s Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell Awarded  $750,000 in energy efficiency grants, including $462,508 for initiatives at Grambling State.

“Energy Efficiency is a cost-effective way to reduce energy costs, improve building comfort and preserve our environment,” Campbell said. “Every dollar that our local governments and public bodies save on their electric bills is a dollar that can help them improve service to the public.”

Efficiency Growth on Campus

“As we work to advance in areas like our digital library and new Cybersecurity degree, each investment from our state and legislature aids us in providing the best student experience possible,” said President Rick Gallot. “When your student body is growing in both size and achievement, like ours, these dollars help make a real-time difference for our students.”

At Grambling State University, energy efficient improvements were already underway. Those improvements have included integrating energy saving efforts with a series of ongoing facility updates and improvements.

Those projects include

  • Computer Science & Learning Labs Upgrades – Carver Hall & Nursing Building
  • Video Conferencing Rooms – Carver Hall
  • Nursing Assimilator updates – Nursing Building
  • New lighting on eastside of RWE Jones Drive
  • Energy Efficient wall packs in Long-Jones Hall, Grambling

From selecting Energy Star Certified and review device consumption rating to lighting fixture choices, the goal of the team is to grow energy efficiency with each of its new efforts.

“One of the greatest additions to our efficiency efforts has been the collaboration of our team members,” said Martin Lemelle, Chief Operating Officer for the University. “Through the leadership of Mr. Fred Carr and the dedication of our facility support team, we continue to deliver student-centered improvements.”

The Public Service Commission’s investment is well-timed as the University targets construction on its new Digital Library and a number of other infrastructure updates.

“The Public Service Commission’s contribution will help us drive our efficiency efforts to a new level,” said President Gallot. “When we can save in our utility costs, we can create more direct impact for our students.”