Forthcoming Dashboard on Health Equity to Address Coronavirus Deaths in Black Communities 

GSU Professors selecter Governor Edwards Covid-19 Task Force image

GRAMBLING, La – April 22, 2020 – Governor John Bel Edwards announced the creation of the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force and recently appointed experts from across the state to carry out its mission. Grambling State’s Dr. Jacqueline Harris and Dr. Meg Brown were selected to serve on state Task Force, immediately assisting in the development of the Dashboard on Health Equity. 

According to the Louisiana Department of Health, African Americans make up over 56% of coronavirus related deaths.  

“It is essential that health and research professionals join the fight, work to spread awareness, and help ensure that African-American communities have proper resources to testing and treatment,” said Dr. Brown, Head of Grambling State’s Nursing Department.  

Dr. Harris and Dr. Brown will provide expertise in the fields of nursing and data analytics as they relate to ongoing efforts to understand and correct the trajectory of COVID-19 related deaths. Along with diverse leaders from institutions around the state, these leaders will help to educate underserved communities to slow the spread of coronavirus.  

“Health disparities in illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity are key factors influencing the high mortality rates in African-Americans,” said Dr. Harris. “We are working to help people access resources and information to slow the spread or fight the virus if they do contract it.” 

More on the Governor’s COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force can be found here. For more on Grambling State’s efforts to flatten the coronavirus curve in North Louisiana, visit