By GSU Media Burea

BAdobeStock_69727847-300efore you get busy this summer, don’t forget to secure cash you need to get to the graduation finish line. Check these smart to-do’s off your list to win a rare scholarship and get a head start on funding for the fall,

  1. Finish Your FAFSA (if you haven’t)

Many grants and other funding help are awarded on a first-come first-serve basis. Don’t miss the opportunity to maximize your financial help. Complete your 2018-2019 FAFSA immediately to find out your funding opportunities for next year. The application can be completed at

  1. Submit Missing Documents

Are you sure your application and award are complete? If not, download these instructions (link coming) to make sure you don’t miss out on getting help or loans to cover your balance this Fall.  Check out Steps to Review Your Financial Aid.


  1. Ask Beyoncé & Google for $25,000 (by May 31)

We’re happy to announce applications are available the Formation scholarship we all heard about after Coachella. Visit our “scholarships” section at to learn more. 


  1. Complete Your Summer Financial Aid Applications

Did you know there’s a chance that your Pell Grant could assist with the cost of Summer classes? You can find out more once you’ve submitted your Summer financial aid applications. Forms are available at